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Fiche no 1562.
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Cereus pecten-aboriginum Engelmann ex S.Watson 1886

Publication XXIV-Contributions to American Botany-1.List of Plants collected by Dr. Edward Palmer in Southwestern Chihuahua, Mexico in 1885, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 21: 429 (1886)
Type : Palmer s.n., Mexique, sud-ouest de Chihuahua, Batopilas, Hacienda San Miguel, coteaux rocheux, année 1869, conservé au Missouri Botanical Garden de St Louis (U.S.A.) (MO: holotype) et au Gray Herbarium de l'université d'Harvard (U.S.A.) (GH: isotype).

Synonyme de

Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum (Engelmann ex S.Watson) Britton & Rose 1909


Description originale:
"Cereus (Lepidocereus) pecten-aboriginum, Engelm. in herb.
Stems tall, erect, solitary, with few erect branches, 10-11-costate ; areolæ densely tomentose, finally glabrate ; spines 8 to 12 (usually 10), very stout, straight, ash-colored tipped with black, the marginal spreading or reflexed (6 lines long or less), the central one and sometimes the two uppermost larger (½ to 1½ inches long) and erect or ascending, compressed or angular : fruit dry, globose (2½ or 3 inches in diameter), closely covered with pulvinate densely hairy areolæ, which are for the most part beset with stiff setaceous unequal yellowish spines (the longest 9 to 12 lines long) : seeds large (2 lines long), black and shining ; embryo hamate. — Growing 20 to 30 feet high and 2 feet in circumference, on stony mountain-sides at Hacienda San Miguel (AA) ; called " Cordon," or " Hecho," by the Indians, who grind the seed to mix with their meal, and use the bristly covering of the fruit as a hair-brush. The species was first made known to Dr. Engelmann by a specimen of these brushes which was obtained by Dr. Palmer in 1869 from the Papago Indians at Hermosillo in Sonora. Dr. Engelmann's notes upon his material have been found among his papers. From these it appears that the remains of the tube of the flower showed very numerous loosely imbricated linear-lanceolate sepals, 6 to 9 lines long, woolly in the axils. Palmer's present specimens, scanty, but supplemented by a photograph and by notes, are sufiicient to furnish most of the needed characters and to confirm the distinctness of the species. The flowers remain unknown. C. macrogonus, Salm-Dyck, of unknown origin, has been in cultivation since before 1850. Plants so named in hort. Cambridge, now about three feet high, resemble the present species, and it is possible that the two species may finally prove to be the same."


Cereus: du latin cereus, cierge, en référence au port colonnaire de ces cactus.
pecten-aboriginum: du latin pecten, peigne, et aborigenes, natifs, en référence à l'usage des fruits en tant que peigne par les indiens.

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philippe (contacter l'auteur ou écrire aux admins de l'encyclopédie)
Fiche créée le 18/09/2004, mise à jour le 07/06/2012.

Fiches de botanistes :

image disponible Engelmann, George
image non disponible Watson, Sereno

Fiche du genre :

image disponible Cereus (Miller) 1754

Synonymes :

Aucune fiche.

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