Exporter en PDFHaut de page Share via Share via... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer RedditDerniers changementsSend via e-MailImprimerPermalienA few tips… × Michael Kießling & Josef Pöschl Tephrocactus und andere Feigenkakteen — Tephrocactus and other prickly pears Many thanks to Michael Kießling for his authorization to make this version of his book. under copyright (with authorization) Most people consider Opuntia to be weeds. Michael shows that the “dwarf opuntia” are in fact flowering jewels. In his book, issued in 2000, he presents their somptuous flowers in more than 230 magnificient colour pictures. The book is in German and English and besides the plant descriptions it contains very useful culture advice. It is intended for the beginner first, and then for the sepcialist, just because Michael prefers plants to nomenclature. Read online in the reading room Download: Interpreted file: Kiessling_Tephro.pdf (24.9MB; 2009-02-16) Original file: Kiessling_Tephro_O.pdf (60.2MB; 2009-02-16) right: Opuntia (Pterocactus) hickenii NB: the book is still available from Ühlig-Kakteen en/kiessling.txt Dernière modification : 2017/12/16 16:26de