Exporter en PDFHaut de page Share via Share via... Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Pinterest Telegram WhatsApp Yammer RedditDerniers changementsSend via e-MailImprimerPermalienA few tips… × International Organisation of Succulent Plant Study - IOS Repertorium Plantarum Succulentarum Under copyright (under CC license NC-SA, since issue 61 (2010) only) The Executive Board of the IOS is gratefully acknowledged for the authorization to reproduce the printed issues of the Repertorium Plantarum Succulentarum published prior to 2010. Repertorium Plantarum Succulentarum (RPS for short) is published annually. Each issue lists the new names (new taxa and new combinations) of succulent plants published in the preceding year, together with a bibliography of literature devoted to the systematics of succulent plants. Up to 2009, RPS was available in printed form only. Since 2011 (issue 61, for 2010) RPS is available for free as a pdf file under a Creative Commons licence. The 51 leading RPS issues are obtained by scanning the printed issues followed by OCR (Optical Character Recognation). The files are heavy and OCR is not fully reliable depending on the printing quality of the issues. From issue 52 (2001) onwards the pdf files are original files from the authors: they are much lighter and the pdf text is reliable. Many thanks to Urs Eggli for providing the latter files. Read online the the reading room Download: From 1950 to 1955, issues were partially printed on single-sided pages; in the corresponding pdf files below, most of the resulting blank pages have been removed. Sometimes a blank page is left to ensure an even total number of pages. 1950: rps01.pdf (3.MB; 2024-07-07) 1951: rps02.pdf (4.2MB; 2024-07-07) 1952: rps03.pdf (6.4MB; 2024-07-07) 1953: rps04.pdf (4.5MB; 2024-06-11) 1954: rps05.pdf (5.0MB; 2024-06-11) 1955: rps06.pdf (5.3MB; 2024-06-11) 1956: rps07.pdf (7.8MB; 2024-06-11) 1957: rps08.pdf (10MB; 2024-06-11) 1958: rps09.pdf (13.1MB; 2024-06-11) 1959: rps10.pdf (10.5MB; 2024-06-01) 1960: rps11.pdf (6.5MB; 2024-05-10) 1961: rps12.pdf (6.5MB; 2024-05-12) 1962: rps13.pdf (5.1MB; 2024-05-12) 1963: rps14.pdf (6.5MB; 2024-05-12) 1964: rps15.pdf (5.8MB; 2024-05-12) 1965: rps16.pdf (5.1MB; 2024-05-12) 1966: rps17.pdf (8MB; 2024-05-12) 1967: rps18.pdf (5.5MB; 2024-06-07) 1968: rps19.pdf (4.MB; 2024-06-07) 1969: rps20.pdf (10.2MB; 2024-06-11) 1970: rps21.pdf (6.1MB; 2024-06-11) 1971: rps22.pdf (6.2MB; 2024-06-15) 1972: rps23.pdf (6.1MB; 2024-06-15) 1973: rps24.pdf (9.9MB; 2024-06-15) 1974: rps25.pdf (9.9MB; 2024-06-20) 1975: rps26.pdf (7.4MB; 2024-07-10) 1976: rps27.pdf (7.5MB; 2024-07-10) 1977: rps28.pdf (7.6MB; 2024-07-10) 1978: rps29.pdf (6.9MB; 2024-07-13) 1979: rps30.pdf (8.4MB; 2024-07-13) 1980: rps31.pdf (8.8MB; 2024-07-18) 1981: rps32.pdf (8.8MB; 2024-07-18) 1982: rps33.pdf (9.1MB; 2024-07-21) 1983: rps34.pdf (7.1MB; 2024-07-21) 1984: rps35.pdf (7.3MB; 2024-07-24) 1985: rps36.pdf (8.8MB; 2024-07-24) 1986: rps37.pdf (8.0MB; 2024-07-26) 1987: rps38.pdf (11.3MB; 2024-07-26) 1988: rps39.pdf (9.5MB; 2024-07-30) 1989: rps40.pdf (10.3MB; 2024-07-30) 1990: rps41.pdf (11.6MB; 2024-08-02) 1991: rps42.pdf (9.7MB; 2024-08-05) 1992: rps43.pdf (16MB; 2024-08-07) 1993: rps44.pdf (16.7MB; 2024-08-09) 1994: rps45.pdf (15.8MB; 2024-08-09) 1995: rps46.pdf (17.3MB; 2024-08-13) 1996: rps47.pdf (16MB; 2024-08-14) 1997: rps48.pdf (16.5MB; 2024-08-15) 1998: rps49.pdf (21.1MB; 2024-08-18) 1999: rps50.pdf (18.1MB; 2024-08-20) 2000: rps51.pdf (18.1MB; 2024-08-20) 2001: rps52.pdf (0.23MB; 2024-05-09) 2002: rps53.pdf (0.25MB; 2024-05-09) 2003: rps54.pdf (0.25MB; 2024-05-09) 2004: rps55.pdf (0.26MB; 2024-05-09) 2005: rps56.pdf (0.26MB; 2024-05-09) 2006: rps57.pdf (0.28MB; 2024-05-09) 2007: rps58.pdf (0.28MB; 2024-05-09) 2008: rps59.pdf (0.25MB; 2024-05-09) 2009: rps60.pdf (0.23MB; 2024-05-09) 2010: rps61-final-1.pdf (0.24MB; 2012-09-14) 2011: rps62-final.pdf (0.27MB; 2012-09-14) 2012: rps63-final.pdf (0.33MB; 2014-03-10) 2013: rps64-final.pdf (0.27MB; 2014-09-01) 2014: rps65-final.pdf (0.29MB; 2016-08-04) 2015: rps66-final.pdf (0.33MB; 2017-05-16) 2016: rps67-final.pdf (0.32MB; 2018-03-22) 2017: rps68-final.pdf (0.4MB; 2019-07-04) 2018: rps69-final.pdf (0.3MB; 2020-06-03) 2019: rps70-final.pdf (0.33MB; 2022-06-21) 2020: rps71-final.pdf (0.32MB; 2023-07-13) en/rpsbis.txt Dernière modification : 2024/08/27 19:59de lobivia