
William Watson (1858-1922)

Thanks to William Christie for providing us with the original book.

No copyright (public domain)

:watsonkew_10.jpg This is a pleasant book. After a short description of plant culture, the author presents the plants like in the lexicon, in… 1889 however.
William Watson was curator of Kew botanical garden from 1901 to 1922. He created the Kew Guild, which is a journal still published at Kew. Watson wrote a great number of articles on various subjects including Palms and of course Cacti, which were of particular interest to him. A volume of the Botanical Magazine was dedicated to Watson by Joseph Hooker, something which apparently Watson was very proud of.

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William Watson, picture provided by Archive Graduate Trainee, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

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  • Dernière modification : 2017/12/16 16:26
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