Corryocactus Britton & Rose 1920
Publication : The Cactaceae; 2: 66 (1920).
Cactus buissonnants à arborescents de 0,5-5m de haut, généralement très ramifié à la base, à tiges cylindriques érigées, retombantes, prostrées voire rampantes ou rhizomateuses à 4-13 côtes.
Aréoles portant des épines fines et souples à fortes et érigées, courtes à très longues.
Floraison diurne. Fleurs jaunes à rouges, en forme de cloche ou d'entonnoir, parfois large. Tube floral court, couvert, ainsi que le péricarpe, de petites écailles à la base desquelles les aréoles portent des soies brunes à noires et des épines. Etamines insérées dans la large gorge.
Fruits plutôt sphériques, charnus, comestibles, aux aréoles portant de fines épines tombant rapidement, sans persistance des pièces florales. Graines de petite taille, ovoïdes, de 2mm de long sur 1,2-1,4mm de large, lisses à tuberculées, noires à brunes, parfois couvertes de mucilage.
Espèce-type: Corryocactus brevistylus (Schumann) Britton & Rose 1920.
Sous-famille : Cactoideae
Tribu : Pachycereeae
Reproduction par semis ou bouturage de tiges.
Description originale:.
"8. CORRYOCACTUS gen. nov.
Stems columnar, usually very short, branching from the base, the branches stiff, more or less erect, strongly ribbed; areoles very spiny; flowers diurnal (?), rather large with a broad, open throat, the tube proper very short; perianth-segments yellow or orange; filaments numerous, stiff, short, scattered all over the throat, much shorter than the segments; style short and stiff, with numerous stigma-lobes; ovary and flower-tube bearing numerous conspicuous areoles with brown or black wool and subtended by minute scales; fruit juicy, globular, covered with clusters of deciduous acicular spines; seeds small.
Type species: Cereus brevistylus Schumann.
A genus of three known species of similar habit and flowers, natives of Peru and Bolivia. The flowers have very short tubes, but are quite different from those of Eulychnia, to which Berger referred the only species he knew.
While the species are similar in a general way, they are individually different in habit, armament, and in shades of color and size of the flowers; their ranges do not overlap, as they are found in different regions and at different altitudes. One of them occurs in the coastal mountains of southern Peru, altitude 550 meters; one in the foothills of the Andes proper, altitude 2,300 meters; and one in the great valley of the Andes in Bolivia, altitude 3,650 meters.
The genus is named for T. A. Corry, chief engineer of the Ferrocarril del Sur of the Peruvian Corporation, who much facilitated our exploration of this region. It is rather remarkable that all three of these species are found along this interesting railroad, which extends from the sea-level to an altitude of 16,000 feet.
Flowers very broad, 10 cm. wide, yellow………………………………...1. C. brevistylus
Flowers much narrower than the last, 4 to 7 cm. broad.
Inner perianth-segments orange; longest spines 10 to 16 cm. long…..1. C. brachypetalus
Inner perianth-segments yellow; longest spines 5 to 7 cm. long……...1. C. melanotrichus"
Fiche créée le 09/12/2006, mise à jour le 05/02/2011.
Un genre regroupant des cactus d'assez grande taille à tiges érigées, peu courants en culture (genre Corryocactus stricto sensu) et des cactus plus petits à tiges plus frêles et épines généralement plus fines, appréciées en culture pour leur floraison assez facile (sous-genre Erdisia).Cactus buissonnants à arborescents de 0,5-5m de haut, généralement très ramifié à la base, à tiges cylindriques érigées, retombantes, prostrées voire rampantes ou rhizomateuses à 4-13 côtes.
Aréoles portant des épines fines et souples à fortes et érigées, courtes à très longues.
Floraison diurne. Fleurs jaunes à rouges, en forme de cloche ou d'entonnoir, parfois large. Tube floral court, couvert, ainsi que le péricarpe, de petites écailles à la base desquelles les aréoles portent des soies brunes à noires et des épines. Etamines insérées dans la large gorge.
Fruits plutôt sphériques, charnus, comestibles, aux aréoles portant de fines épines tombant rapidement, sans persistance des pièces florales. Graines de petite taille, ovoïdes, de 2mm de long sur 1,2-1,4mm de large, lisses à tuberculées, noires à brunes, parfois couvertes de mucilage.
Espèce-type: Corryocactus brevistylus (Schumann) Britton & Rose 1920.
Famille : CactaceaeSous-famille : Cactoideae
Tribu : Pachycereeae
Culture facile sans grandes particularités par rapport aux conditions générales de culture de la famille des Cactaceae. Pour les espèces à racine tubéreuse ou rhizomateuse, prévoir un bon drainage.Reproduction par semis ou bouturage de tiges.
Corryocactus: en l'honneur de l'ingénieur T.A. Corry, ingénieur en chef des chemins de fer du sud de la Peruvian Corporation.Anecdotes
Habitat:Pérou, ouest de la Bolivie et nord du Chili, du niveau de la mer à plus de 4.500 mètres d'altitude.Description originale:.
"8. CORRYOCACTUS gen. nov.
Stems columnar, usually very short, branching from the base, the branches stiff, more or less erect, strongly ribbed; areoles very spiny; flowers diurnal (?), rather large with a broad, open throat, the tube proper very short; perianth-segments yellow or orange; filaments numerous, stiff, short, scattered all over the throat, much shorter than the segments; style short and stiff, with numerous stigma-lobes; ovary and flower-tube bearing numerous conspicuous areoles with brown or black wool and subtended by minute scales; fruit juicy, globular, covered with clusters of deciduous acicular spines; seeds small.
Type species: Cereus brevistylus Schumann.
A genus of three known species of similar habit and flowers, natives of Peru and Bolivia. The flowers have very short tubes, but are quite different from those of Eulychnia, to which Berger referred the only species he knew.
While the species are similar in a general way, they are individually different in habit, armament, and in shades of color and size of the flowers; their ranges do not overlap, as they are found in different regions and at different altitudes. One of them occurs in the coastal mountains of southern Peru, altitude 550 meters; one in the foothills of the Andes proper, altitude 2,300 meters; and one in the great valley of the Andes in Bolivia, altitude 3,650 meters.
The genus is named for T. A. Corry, chief engineer of the Ferrocarril del Sur of the Peruvian Corporation, who much facilitated our exploration of this region. It is rather remarkable that all three of these species are found along this interesting railroad, which extends from the sea-level to an altitude of 16,000 feet.
Flowers very broad, 10 cm. wide, yellow………………………………...1. C. brevistylus
Flowers much narrower than the last, 4 to 7 cm. broad.
Inner perianth-segments orange; longest spines 10 to 16 cm. long…..1. C. brachypetalus
Inner perianth-segments yellow; longest spines 5 to 7 cm. long……...1. C. melanotrichus"
Numéros de collecte
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philippe (contacter l'auteur ou écrire aux admins de l'encyclopédie)Fiche créée le 09/12/2006, mise à jour le 05/02/2011.
Fiches de botanistes :
Britton, Nathaniel Lord
Rose, Joseph Nelson
Fiches d'espèces :
Corryocactus apiciflorus (Vaupel) Hutchison 1963
Corryocactus aureus (Meyen) Hutchison 1963
Corryocactus brevistylus (K.Schumann ex Vaupel) Britton & Rose 1920
Corryocactus erectus (Backeberg) F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus melanotrichus (K.Schumann) Britton & Rose 1920
Corryocactus quadrangularis (Rauh & Backeberg) F.Ritter 1958
Corryocactus serpens F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus squarrosus (Vaupel) Hutchison 1963
Corryocactus tarijensis Cárdenas 1952
Fiches de synonymes :
Cactus aureus Meyen 1834
Cereus apiciflorus Vaupel 1913
Cereus brachypetalus Vaupel 1913
Cereus brevistylus K.Schumann ex Vaupel 1913
Cereus melanotrichus K.Schumann 1897
Cereus squarrosus Vaupel 1913
Corryocactus acervatus F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus ayacuchoensis Rauh & Backeberg 1957
Corryocactus ayacuchoensis v. leucacanthus Rauh & Backeberg 1957
Corryocactus ayopayanus Cárdenas 1952
Corryocactus brachycladus F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus brachypetalus (Vaupel) Britton & Rose 1920
Corryocactus brevispinus Rauh & Backeberg 1957
Corryocactus chachapoyensis Ochoa & Backeberg ex D.R.Hunt 1999
Corryocactus charazanensis Cárdenas 1957
Corryocactus chavinilloensis F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus cuajonesensis F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus gracilis F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus huincoensis F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus matucanensis F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus megarhizus F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus melaleucus F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus otuyensis Cárdenas 1963
Corryocactus perezianus Cárdenas 1952
Corryocactus pilispinus F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus prostratus F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus pulquinensis Cárdenas 1957
Corryocactus solitarius F.Ritter 1981
Corryocactus tenuiculus (Backeberg) Hutchison 1963
Erdisia apiciflora (Vaupel) Werdermann 1940
Erdisia erecta Backeberg 1942
Erdisia fortalezensis F.Ritter 1964
Erdisia maxima Backeberg 1942
Erdisia melanotricha (K.Schumann) Backeberg 1935
Erdisia meyenii Britton & Rose 1920
Erdisia quadrangularis Rauh & Backeberg 1957
Erdisia squarrosa (Vaupel) Britton & Rose 1920
Erdisia tenuicula Backeberg 1957