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Fiche no 64146.
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Neomammillaria bocasana (Poselger) Britton & Rose 1923

Publication The Cactaceae (Britton & Rose) 4: 147 (-148, fig. 163, pl. 14. fig. 2) (24 décembre 1923).
Basionyme Mammillaria bocasana Poselger 1853

Synonyme de

Mammillaria bocasana Poselger 1853


Publication originale:
"118. Neomammillaria bocasana (Poselger).
Mammillaria bocasana Poselger, Allg. Gartenz. 21: 94. 1853.
Cactus bocasanus Coulter, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. .3: 104. 1894.
Cespitose, often forming large mounds; individual plants globose, 3 to 4 cm. in diameter, light green; tubercles slender, 6 to 8 mm. long, terete, their axils sometimes hairy or bristly; radial spines represented by numerous long white silky hairs; central spines solitary, 5 to 8 mm. long, brown, but paler at base, hooked, much shorter than the radial hairy ones; flower-buds rose-colored; flowers described as white; perianth-segments lanceolate-linear, acute, spreading; fruit "green, 4 mm. long; seeds cinnamon brown, oblique, broadly obovate, with narrowly basal hilum."
Type locality: Sierra de Bocas,* Mexico.
Distribution: Northern central Mexico, especially in San Luis Potosí.
This species has not been well understood and is usually misnamed in collections.
The two varieties of Mammillaria bocasana, cristata and glochidiata, are listed by Schelle (Handb. Kakteenk. 250. 1907), but not described. The former is offered for sale by Grässner in his Kakteen for 1914. We do not find that M. bocasana splendens Liebner and M. bocasana sericata Lemaire, mentioned by Quehl (Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 19: 46. 1909), have ever been described.
Mammillaria schelhasei lanuginosior Hildmann (Schumann, Gesamtb. Kakteen 531. 1898) we have not seen but it may belong here.
Mammillaria bocasana splendens, credited to Schlechtendal, is offered for sale by Haage and Schmidt in their 1922 Catalogue.
lllustrations: Schelle, Handb. Kakteenk. 250. f. 170; Blanc, Cacti 67, No. 1148; West Amer. Sci. 13: 40 (these three illustrations are from the same source); Blühende Kakteen 1: pl. 35; Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 31: 103; Schumann, Gesamtb. Kakteen f. 89, as Mammillaria bocasana; De Laet, Cat. Gén. 28. f. 42; Schelle, Handb. Kakteenk. 251. f. 171; Rev. Hort. Belge. 40: after 186; Tribune Hort. 4: pl. 139 (these four illustrations are all from the same source); Mollers Deutsche Gärt. Zeit. 25: 475. f. 8, No. 25; Monatsschr. Kakteenk. 29: 81, as Mammillaria bocasana cristata.
Plate XIV, figure 2, shows a plant, collected by S. S. Hordes in 1915, which flowered in the New York Botanical Garden, May 11, 1916. Figure 163 shows a plant received from San Luis Potosí through Mrs. Irene Vera in 1912.
* Coulter (Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 3: 104) states that Poselger says the plant is from Texas "auf der Seira de Bocas," but in the original place of publication he does not give the state. Bocas, however, is in San Luis Potosí."


Neomammillaria: du grec neos, nouveau, car le nom de genre Mammillaria créé par Haworth en 1812 avait été employé par Stackhouse en 1809 pour un genre d'algues, et Britton & Rose étaient opposés à la conservation du nom d'Haworth opérée au congrès international de botanique de Vienne en 1905 en contradiction avec la règle stricte de l'antériorité.
bocasana: de la localité d'origine, la Sierra de Bocas, dans l'état mexicain de San Luis Potosí.

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Fiche créée le 18/03/2009.

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image non disponible Britton, Nathaniel Lord
image non disponible Poselger, Heinrich
image disponible Rose, Joseph Nelson

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