I would appreciate your assistance
I live in Melbourne Australia.
This cactus is over 5 years old and as you can see it is not healthy.
It has been sitting on this south facing window sill for 3-4 years and perhaps 3 years ago seemed to change colour to a less healthy looking green. It then started growing this baby cactus about 1-2 years ago, and that seems to be growing upwards now, and the base of it has also changed colour. I water it infrequently, but may have done so more often than that over the last few years. The main reason I don't water it often is that it is in a wooden container that does not have holes in it (ie. no drainage).
Outside the window, we put up a shade cloth in summer and take it down in winter.
From my gardening experience, it is unhealthy and seems to be trying to survive by growing another portion. I originally thought it may have been growing the baby as it wasn't receiving enough sunlight, but now I am not sure if it is getting too much?? The colour change makes it seem like it's rotting, but it has been like this for 2 years and hasn't died yet.
From reading your website, my thoughts are to repot it into a pot with drainage. I dont know what medium it is growing in, so some cactus medium should help. Alternatively, it seems I can cut off the baby and replant it. Do I need to move it to a different position??
Your help is much appreciated as I would like it to survive!