Revue | Année | N° | Page | Type | Titre / légende | Auteur | Langue | Compléments | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | C1 | photo | Trichocereus pasacana, accès à l'îlot de Pulla Chissay (Bolivie) | Pierre Fontaine | | plante, habitat, Bolivie, Pulla Chissay | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 3 | article | Les Cycadales, végétaux prestigieux et jalon essentiel au cours de l'évolution du règne végétal | Yves Delange | fr | plante, culture | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 3 | photo | Cycas revoluta, individu femelle | Yves Delange | | plante, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 4 | photo | Cycas revoluta, individu mâle | Yves Delange | | plante, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 4 | photo | Cycas circinalis | Yves Delange | | plante | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 4 | photo | Dioon edule | Yves Delange | | plante, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 4 | photo | Encephalartos altensteinii | Yves Delange | | plante | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 7 | photo | Encephalartos inopinus, Transvaal | Yves Delange | | plante, habitat, Transvaal, Afrique du Sud | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 7 | photo | Encephalartos longifolius | Yves Delange | | plante, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 7 | photo | Encephalartos lanatus, Transvaal | Yves Delange | | plante, habitat, Transvaal, Afrique du Sud | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 9 | photo | Macrozamia spiralis | Yves Delange | | plante | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 9 | photo | Zamia furfuracea | Yves Delange | | plante, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 9 | photo | Encephalartos horridus | Yves Delange | | plante, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 9 | photo | Encephalartos villosus | Yves Delange | | plante, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 11 | article | Voyage dans le centre du Mexique | Jean-Marc Chalet | fr | plante, habitat, Mexique | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 11 | photo | Mammillaria perezdelarosae | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, Mexique | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 12 | photo | Mammillaria perezdelarosae | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, Mexique | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 12 | photo | Coryphantha ottonis (forma guerkeana) | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, Mexique | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 12 | photo | Echinocereus pectinatus, La Tapona | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, Mexique, La Tapona | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 12 | photo | Coryphantha delicata en boutons, La Tapona | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, Mexique, La Tapona | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 13 | photo | Echinocactus platyacanthus en fleurs, La Tapona | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, fleur, Mexique, La Tapona | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 14 | photo | Turbinicarpus lophophoroides en boutons | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, Mexique | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 15 | photo | Sclerocactus uncinatus, La Providencia | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, Mexique, La Providencia | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 15 | photo | Leuchtenbergia principis, Palomas | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, Mexique, Palomas | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 15 | photo | Astrophytum myriostigma en boutons, Palomas | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, Mexique, Palomas | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 17 | photo | Turbinicarpus krainzianus avec fleurs fermées et boutons, Barranca de Moctezuma | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, fleur, Mexique, Barranca de Moctezuma | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 17 | photo | Mammillaria formosa ssp. microthele en fleurs, La Providencia | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, Mexique, La Providencia | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 19 | photo | Coryphantha maiz-tablasensis en fleurs, Cerritos | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, fleur, Mexique, Cerritos | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 19 | photo | Coryphantha cornifera en boutons, Zimapan | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, Mexique, Zimapan | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 21 | photo | Pediocactus simpsonii ssp. simpsonii, nord-ouest Utah | Jean Bonnefond | | plante, habitat, fleur, Etats-Unis, Grand Basin, Utah | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 21 | article | Les Pediocactus du désert du Grand Bassin aux Etats-Unis (1ére partie) | Jean Bonnefond | fr | plante, habitat, Etats-Unis, Grand Bassin | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 24 | photo | Pediocactus knowltonii, Colorado | Jean Bonnefond | | plante, habitat, Etats-Unis, Colorado | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 25 | photo | Pediocactus knowltonii | Jean-Marie Solichon | | plante, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 26 | photo | Pediocactus simpsonii ssp. robustior | Jean-Marie Solichon | | plante, habitat, Etats-Unis, Nevada | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 28 | photo | Trichocereus pasacana de Pulla Chissay (Bolivie) | Pierre Fontaine | | plante, habitat, Bolivie, Pulla Chissay | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 28 | article | Cactées halophytes du Salar d'Uyuni (Bolivie) | Pierre Fontaine | fr | plante, habitat, Bolivie, Salar d'Uyuni | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 29 | carte | Salar d'Uyuni avec l'île de los Pescadores au centre et Pulla Chissay au nord-est | | | Bolivie | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 30 | photo | Trichocereus pasacana de l'Isla de los Pescadores | Pierre Fontaine | | plante, habitat, Bolivie, Salar d'Uyuni, Isla de los Pescadores | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 31 | photo | Trichocereus pasacana | Pierre Fontaine | | plante, habitat, fleur, Bolivie, Salar d'Uyuni | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 31 | photo | Tunilla orurensis (Opuntia orurensis) | Pierre Fontaine | | plante, habitat, Bolivie, Salar d'Uyuni | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 31 | photo | Lobivia ferox | Pierre Fontaine | | plante, habitat, fleur, Bolivie, Salar d'Uyuni | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 31 | photo | Maihueniopsis glomerata (Tephrocactus glomeratus) | Pierre Fontaine | | plante, habitat, fleur, Bolivie, Salar d'Uyuni | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 32 | photo | Trichocereus pasacana de l'Isla de los Pescadores | Pierre Fontaine | | plante, habitat, Bolivie, Salar d'Uyuni, Isla de los Pescadores | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 33 | photo | Mammillaria eichlamii | Gérard Denis | | plante, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 33 | article | Mammillaria eichlamii | François Sampieri | | plante, culture | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 36 | article | Notes de culture sur les semis de Pediocactus | Jean Bonnefond | fr | plante, culture | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 36 | photo | Pediocactus sileri | Jean Bonnefond | | plante | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 36 | photo | Pediocactus simpsonii ssp. simpsonii | Jean Bonnefond | | plante | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 36 | photo | Pediocactus paradinei | Jean Bonnefond | | plante | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 36 | photo | Pediocactus knowltonii | Jean Bonnefond | | plante | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 38 | article | Notre serre: les tétranyques | Marc Beugin | fr | culture | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 1 | photo | Ceratozamia mexicana | Yves Delange | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 1 | photo | Echinocereus pectinatus, La Tapona | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, Mexique, La Tapona | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 1 | photo | Pediocactus knowltonii | Jean-Marie Solichon | | plante, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 1 | photo | Mammillaria perezdelarosae avec fruit, Colomos | Jean-Marc Chalet | | plante, habitat, Mexique, Colomos | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 40 | article | Philatélie: le sud-ouest africain et les succulentes | Evelyne et Jacques Lagarigue | fr | plante | |
Succulentes | 2007 | 2007-1 | 37 | article | Cactocartophilie: Dendrosicyos socotrana Balfour 1882 | Pierre Fontaine | fr | Socotra, habitat, plante | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | 6 | article | À propos du genre Echinofossulocactus | Jacques Urban | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | 14 | photo | Aloe globuligemma | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | C1 | photo | Aloe immaculata | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | 13 | photo | Aloe sessiliflora | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | 7 | photo | Echinofossulocactus sp. | | | semis, collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | 7 | photo | Echinofossulocactus sp. | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | CS1 | article | La greffe : expérience vécue | F. Falco | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | 3 | article | Le genre Navajoa | A. Cartier | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | 12 | article | Les Aloe du Transval dans leur milieu naturel (I) | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | CS8 | article | Les Cactées | M. Pizzetti | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | CS8 | article | Lovec Kaktusu | A.v. Fric | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | C4 | photo | Navajoa fickeisenii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | 4 | photo | Navajoa fickeisenii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | 5 | photo | Navajoa maia | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-1 | 3 | photo | Navajoa peeblesiana | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 3 | article | À la découverte des Caralluma d'Espagne | Pr. Paul Berthet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 1 | photo | Aloe arborecens | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 8 | photo | Aloe castanea | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 7 | photo | Aloe chabaudii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 8 | photo | Aloe davyiana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 8 | photo | Aloe lutescens | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 8 | photo | Aloe lutescens | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | C1 | photo | Caralluma europaea | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 3 | photo | Caralluma europaea | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 4 | photo | Caralluma europaea | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | C4 | photo | Caralluma munbyana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 4 | photo | Caralluma munbyana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 4 | photo | Caralluma munbyana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 14 | photo | Echinomastus macdowellii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 16 | photo | Ferocactus latispinus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 12 | article | La classification des Cactacées : une nouvelle base | J.M. Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 6 | article | Les Aloe du Transval dans leur milieu naturel (II) | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | CS1 | article | Les Echinocereus rustiques | Pascal Feminia | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 10 | article | Les Euphorbiacées irritantes du jardin exotique de Monaco (I) | J. Garnier et A. Rabaron C. Sastre | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | 13 | photo | Soehrensia oreopepon | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | CS2 | article | Un Opuntia miracle ? | Nicolas de Munnik | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-2 | CS4 | article | Voyage sur la Costa Brava | Jean Gosselin | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | CS9 | article | Anacampseros | | fr | Revue, livre | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | CS9 | article | Arbeitskreis fur Mammillarien | | fr | Revue Rainer Piller, livre | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | CS9 | article | Calandrinia | | fr | Revue, livre | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | CS11 | article | Conditionneur de sol 'Terra-Green' et son utilisation dans les composts à Cactées | H. Pancrazi | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | CS9 | article | Epiphytes | Revue ASJ McMillan | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 14 | photo | Euphorbia grandicornis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia obesa | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 12 | photo | Euphorbia polyacantha | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 12 | photo | Euphorbia resinifera | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia royleana | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 15 | photo | Euphorbia virosa | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | CS9 | article | Hoya | | fr | Revue, livre | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 9 | photo | Kensita pillansii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | CS1 | article | Les Epiphyllum hybrides | Franck Supplie | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 10 | article | Les Euphorbiacées irritantes du jardin exotique de Monaco (II) | J. Garnier et A. Rabaron C. Sastre | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | CS3 | article | Les petits agaves rustiques | Pascal Femenia | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 3 | article | Les Trichocereus d'Argentine | Roberto Kiesling | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | CS9 | article | Leuchtenbergia | | fr | Revue Jansen Karel, livre | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 8 | photo | Opuntia aciculata | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | C1 | photo | Opuntia compressa x O. aciculata | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 7 | photo | Opuntia vulgaris x O. aciculata | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 6 | photo | Opuntia vulgaris | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | CS1 | photo | Phyllocactus hyb. cyclamen | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | C4 | photo | Roseocactus kotschoubeyanus | | | = Ariocarpus, collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | CS9 | article | The Kew Magazine | | fr | Revue, livre | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 4 | photo | Trichocereus schickendantzii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 9 | article | Un attribut qui mérite le commentaire : la capsule de Kensita pillansii | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 6 | article | Un intéressant hybride d'Opuntia | Pr. Paul Berthet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-3 | 16 | article | Vermiculite | A. Cartier | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | CS3 | photo | Agave toumeyana ssp bella | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | C4 | photo | Chorisia | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 14 | photo | Cucumis africanus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 9 | photo | Cylindropuntia imbricata | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 6 | photo | Cylindropuntia leptocaulis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 7 | photo | Cylindropuntia tunicata | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | CS2 | article | Encyclopédie des cactus | Jean Riha et Rudolf Subik | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 13 | photo | Ibervillea sonorae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 15 | photo | Kedrostis mana | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | CS1 | article | La culture des Sedums dans le northumberland | M. Stephenson | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 3 | article | La sous-famille des Opuntioideae | P. Femenia | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | CS3 | article | Les petits agaves rustiques (suite) | Pascal Femenia | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 11 | photo | Momordica rostrata | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 12 | photo | Neoalsomitra podagrica | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 8 | photo | Opuntia brasiliensis | | | = Brasiliopuntia brasiliensis, collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 9 | photo | Opuntia brasiliensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | C1 | photo | Oreocereus sp. | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 5 | photo | Pterocactus decipiens | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 4 | photo | Pterocactus tuberosus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | CS1 | photo | Sedum compressum | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 13 | photo | Seyrigia humbertii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 7 | photo | Tacinga funalis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 11 | article | Une approche des cucurbitacées succulentes | B. Van Hille | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1987 | 1987-4 | 16 | photo | Xerosicyos danguyi | | | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | CS14 | article | 10 années d'illustrations | J.R. Catrix | | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | 11 | photo | Adenia firingalavensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | C1 | photo | Adenia fruticosa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | 12 | photo | Adenia spinosa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | 8 | photo | Caralluma tombuctuensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | C4 | photo | Caralluma venenosa | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | 7 | photo | Caralluma venenosa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | 7 | photo | Caralluma venenosa | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | CS24 | article | Harry Blossfeld | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | 10 | article | Les Adenia, passifloracées tropicales et subtropicales | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | 3 | article | Les Euphorbiacées irritantes du jardin exotique de Monaco (III) | J. Garnier et A. Rabaron C. Sastre | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | CS1 | article | Obtention d'une eau d'arrosage de bonne qualité | Roland Jurion | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | 6 | article | Une succulente saharienne, le Caralluma venenosa | Dr. F. Marmier | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-1 | CS10 | article | Vous avez dit . . . taxonomie ? ! | E. Croiza | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS14 | article | Asklepios | | fr | Revue anglaise, livre | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | C4 | photo | Caralluma retrospicens v. tombuctuensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | C1 | photo | Ceraria namaquensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 12 | photo | Ceraria namaquensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 3 | photo | Cereus hexagonus | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS11 | article | Culture de Adenium obesum | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 4 | photo | Epiphyllum phyllanthus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 5 | photo | Epiphyllum phyllanthus | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 3 | photo | Epiphyllum phyllanthus | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | C4 | photo | Ficus salicifolia | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS13 | article | Guide des Cactées | Erik Haustein | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS10 | article | Jardins botaniques possédant une collection de Sempervivum | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS13 | article | La flore et la végétation de l'Amérique tropicale T1 | R. Schnell | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS13 | article | La flore et la végétation de l'Amérique tropicale T2 | R. Schnell | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS6 | article | La gamellose | E. Croiza | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 11 | article | Le Ceraria, genre didiéréiforme du Namaqualand | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 2 | article | Les Cactaceae dans les Guyanes | G. Cremers et B. Lauenberger | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS13 | article | Les Cactées | Wilhelm Barthlott | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 15 | photo | Neobesseya cubensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 16 | photo | Neobesseya cubensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 14 | article | Neobesseya cubensis (Br. et R.) Hest | A. Cartier | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS10 | article | Ouvrages traitant des Sempervivum | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 7 | photo | Pereskia bleo | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 7 | photo | Pereskia bleo | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS9 | article | Peut-on considérer Scilla violacea comme une succulente ? | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 13 | photo | Portulacaria afra | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS11 | article | Producteurs de graines et de plantes d'Asclepiadacées et d'Aizoacées | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS9 | article | Quelle est la cause de la pousse en longueur des Cactus ? | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS9 | article | Quelle est la résistance au froid de Opuntia microdasys ? | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS8 | article | Quelles cactées à Grasse ? | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS9 | article | Quelles espèces se greffent bien entre elles ? | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS11 | article | Quelles plantes utiliser en suspension ? | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 8 | photo | Rhipsalis baccifera | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 10 | photo | Rhipsalis crispata | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | 9 | photo | Rhipsalis floccosa | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS4 | photo | Schlumbergera hyb. Le Vesuve | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS4 | photo | Schlumbergera hyb. Rosabell | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-2 | CS1 | article | Schlumbergera (Cactus de Noel) | Frank Supplie | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | C4 | photo | Aloe arenicola | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | 8 | photo | Aloe dichotoma | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | C1 | photo | Aloe dichotoma | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | 5 | photo | Aloe ramosisiima | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | 4 | photo | Aloe striata | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | 4 | photo | Aloe variegata | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | CS9 | article | Aloe | | fr | Revue Sud-Africaine, livre | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | 15 | photo | Curt Backeberg | | | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | 13 | article | Curt Backeberg et la recherche des cactées (I) | U. Eggli | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | CS9 | article | Kaktus | | fr | Revue danoise, livre | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | 3 | article | Les Aloe du Veld dans leur milieu naturel | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | CS1 | article | Les succulentes chez soi | Robert Moschini | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | 10 | article | Neolloydia cubensis (br. et r.) | José Toledo Martinez, Melocactus jakusii | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | CS9 | article | Passion de cactus | Jean-René Catrix | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | CS9 | article | Plantes succulentes et cactées | Marcel Kroenlein | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | CS9 | article | Quepo | | fr | Revue, Pérou, livre | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-3 | CS4 | article | Succulentes et phytothérapie | Marcel Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | C1 | photo | Cotyledon paniculata | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | 11 | photo | Cotyledon paniculata | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | 12 | photo | Cotyledon paniculata | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | C4 | photo | Cotyledon undulata | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | 3 | article | Curt Backeberg et la recherche des cactées (II) | U. Eggli | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | CS4 | article | ELK 1988 | F. Falco | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | 14 | photo | Escobaria henricksonii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | 15 | photo | Escobaria henricksonii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | 16 | photo | Escobaria henricksonii | | | jeune plant, collection | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | 13 | article | Escobaria henricksonii Gl. et F. | A. Cartier | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | CS3 | article | Hommage à Hernando Sanchez-Mejorada | Marcel Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | CS8 | article | Passion de cactus | Jean-René Catrix | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | CS3 | article | Pour une protection réaliste des plantes en voie de disparition | F. Falco | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | 9 | photo | Serres du jardin botanique de Hambourg | | | | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | 10 | article | Une crassulacée du Veld : Cotyledon paniculata L.f. | Yves Delange | fr | = Tylecodon paniculatus | |
Succulentes | 1988 | 1988-4 | CS1 | article | Une des espèces de Melocactus de la province de Holguin (Cuba) | José Toledo Martinez, Melocactus jakusii | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | CS1 | article | Arrosage et pH : expériences vécues | François Falco | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | CS5 | article | Courrier glochidaire de Mamy-Lara à Doly Cothel | E. Croiza | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | 9 | article | Euphorbes géophytes malgaches | G. Cremers | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | 16 | photo | Euphorbia françoisii v. françoisii | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | 16 | photo | Euphorbia françoisii v. rakotozafyi | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | 17 | photo | Euphorbia moratii v. antsingiensis | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | 17 | photo | Euphorbia moratii v. banarahensis | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | 17 | photo | Euphorbia moratii v. moratii | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | 18 | photo | Euphorbia primulaefolia v. begardii | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | 18 | photo | Euphorbia primulaefolia v. primulaefolia | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | CS3 | article | Le coin du débutant : la greffe des cactées | R. Paris | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | 5 | photo | Mammillaria carnea | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | 6 | photo | Mammillaria dixanthocentron | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | C4 | photo | Melocactus oaxacensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | 3 | article | Mexico 1983 | Dr JM. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | C1 | photo | Pilosocereus collinsii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-1 | 4 | photo | Pilosocereus purpusii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | CS1 | article | Courrier glochidaire de Mamy-Lara à Doly Cothel | E. Croiza | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 11 | article | Des succulentes épiphytes et myrmécophiles : Myrmecodia et Hydnophytum en Asie du Sud-Est | Dr. P. Jolivet, rubiacées | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 2 | article | Euphorbes malgaches coralliformes | G. Cremers | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia alluaudii subsp. alluaudii | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 6 | photo | Euphorbia enterophora subsp. crassa | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 6 | photo | Euphorbia enterophora subsp. enterophora | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 3 | photo | Euphorbia enterophora | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia laro | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | C1 | photo | Euphorbia leucadendron | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia stenoclada ssp. ambatofinandranae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 7 | photo | Euphorbia stenoclada | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | C4 | photo | Hydnophytum formicarum | | | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 15 | photo | Hydnophytum formicarum | | | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 14 | photo | Hydnophytum papuanum | | | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 14 | photo | Myrmecodia beccarii | | | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 17 | photo | Myrmecodia echinata | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 14 | photo | Myrmecodia platytyrea | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 12 | photo | Myrmecodia schlechteri | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 16 | photo | Myrmecodia schlechteri | | | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 15 | photo | Myrmecodia schlechteri | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-2 | 14 | photo | Myrmecodia tuberosa | | | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | C4 | photo | Aporocactus flagelliformis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 5 | photo | Aporocactus flagelliformis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 8 | photo | Ariocarpus scapharostrus | | | macro | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 12 | photo | Blossfeldia liliputana | | | biotope, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 13 | photo | Blossfeldia liliputana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 6 | photo | Chamaecereus sylvestrii x Lobivia sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 3 | article | Hybridez, hybridez, il en restera parfois quelquechose ! | P. Berthet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | CS3 | article | Kakteen und standortgerechte lendnutzung die bedentung pflanzlicher ressourcen | Werner Hoffmann | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 7 | photo | Neogomesia agavoides | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 8 | photo | Neogomesia agavoides | | | macro | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 10 | photo | Neogomesia agavoides | | | plantule | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 7 | article | Neogomesia agavoides Castan. (T.) | A. Cartier | fr | = Ariocarpus | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 16 | photo | Parodia aureicentra | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | CS2 | article | Recopilacion, en edicion facsimilar, de todos los trabajos o referencias sobre cactaceas | R. Kiesling, Dr. Carlos Spegazzini | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 8 | photo | Roseocactus fissuratus | | | = Ariocarpus, macro | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 15 | photo | Soehrensia bruchii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | CS1 | article | The genus Rebutia | Brian Fearn et Leslie Pearcy | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 14 | photo | Trichocereus candicans | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | C1 | photo | Trichocereus poco | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 14 | photo | Trichocereus pseudocandicans | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | 11 | article | Un paradis pour cactophiles : l'Argentine (III) | M. Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-3 | CS1 | article | Verzeichnis amerikanisher und anderer sukkulenten mit revision der systematik der kakteen | K. Kreuzinger | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 3 | photo | Cochiseia robbinsorum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 4 | photo | Cochiseia robbinsorum | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 3 | article | Cochiseia robbinsorum : son aire de dispersion | A. Cartier | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | C4 | photo | Dendrocereus nudiflorus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | C1 | photo | Eriocactus schumannianus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 9 | photo | Guy Joulin | | | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 15 | photo | Gymnocalycium stellatum | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 9 | article | La perte d'un ami : Michel Gosselin (1942-1989) | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 5 | article | Les plantes succulentes et le froid | P. Berthet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 9 | photo | Michel Gosselin | | | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | C1 | photo | Notocactus schumannianus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 13 | photo | Oreocereus celsianus | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 11 | photo | Oreocereus trolli | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 9 | photo | Pierre Mattille | | | | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 14 | photo | Stetsonia coryne | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 12 | photo | Tephrocactus glomeratus | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 15 | photo | Trichocereus huascha | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 14 | photo | Trichocereus pasacana | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 16 | photo | Trichocereus | | | poutre | |
Succulentes | 1989 | 1989-4 | 10 | article | Un paradis pour cactophiles : l'Argentine (IV) | M. Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | C1 | photo | Caralluma penicillata | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 12 | article | Comment s'appelle cette sansevière ? | B. Heitz et J. Zeller | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | C4 | photo | Hoodia gordonii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 8 | photo | Huernia stapelioides | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 7 | article | La culture des Stapelia sous les climats du Nord | G. S. Barad | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | CS2 | article | Les végétaux des milieux arides | Yves Delange | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 3 | article | Métabolisme et résistance à l'aridité (I) | M. Cornet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 20 | photo | Sansevieria aubrytiana | | | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 14 | photo | Sansevieria ehrenbergii | | | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 13 | photo | Sansevieria fischeri | | | = S. singularis, collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 24 | photo | Sansevieria kurkii v. pulchra | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 17 | photo | Sansevieria schweinfurthii | | | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 13 | photo | Sansevieria singularis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 19 | photo | Sansevieria sordida | | | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 13 | photo | Sansevieria stuckyi | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 16 | photo | Sansevieria | | | feuilles | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 9 | photo | Stapelia gigantea | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 7 | photo | Stapelia longidens | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-1 | 10 | photo | Stapelia x bella | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 8 | photo | Crassula corallina | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 7 | photo | Crassula lycopodioides | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 5 | photo | Crassula marnieriana | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 10 | photo | Crassula mesembryanthemoides | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 6 | photo | Crassula thyrsiflora | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 9 | photo | Crassula triebneri | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 3 | photo | Echeveria gibbiflora | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 20 | photo | Ferocactus diguetii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 19 | photo | Ferocactus gracilis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 15 | photo | Haworthia cymbiformis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 14 | photo | Haworthia reinwardtii v. chalumnensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 14 | photo | Haworthia retusa | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 17 | photo | Haworthia truncata | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | CS3 | article | Il était une fois des cochenilles | André Pages | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 3 | article | Métabolisme et résistance à l'aridité (II) | M. Cornet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | C1 | photo | Pedilanthus macrocarpus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | C4 | photo | Pedilanthus macrocarpus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 11 | photo | Pedilanthus smallii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 12 | photo | Pedilanthus smallii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 13 | article | Petite chronique interrompue consacrée au genre Haworthia Duval | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 18 | article | Super Ferocactus | Marcel Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-2 | 11 | article | Un genre mineur compagnon des xérophytes : le Pedilanthus | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | C1 | photo | Beaucarnea gracilis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 20 | photo | Beaucarnea gracilis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | C1 | photo | Caphalocereus hoppenstedtii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | CS7 | article | Checklist of Brachystelma, Ceropegia, Riocreuxia and the Stapelieae | C. Boele, A.C.J. Kroesen, F.K.A. Noltee | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 6 | photo | Copiapoa cinerea v. albispina | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 19 | photo | Dasylirion sp. | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 22 | photo | Dasylirion sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 4 | photo | Echinofossulocactus zacatecasensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 6 | photo | Echinomastus unguispinus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 7 | photo | Eriosyce aurata | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 12 | photo | Fockea capensis | | | Iconographia genera plantarum | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 15 | photo | Fockea capensis | | | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | C1 | photo | Haseltonia columna-trajani | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 3 | article | La position des principaux genres utiles dans le système des cactées | W. Barthlott | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 11 | article | La vielle dame de Schonbrunn, Fockea capensis | E. Zecher | fr | La plus vieille plante succulente du monde cultivée en pot | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 5 | photo | Myrtilocactus geometrizans | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 21 | photo | Nolina bigelolovi | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | C1 | photo | Nolina gracilis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 20 | photo | Nolina hystrix | | | = Beaucarnea gracilis, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 20 | photo | Nolina hystrix | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | 18 | article | Nolina Michaux, Beaucarnea Lem. et Dasylirion Zucc. | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | CS6 | article | Repertorium plantarum succulentarum | | fr | IOS, U. Eggli, N.D. Taylor, livre | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | CS6 | article | To the habitats of pediocactus and sclerocactus | Fritz Hochstatter | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-3 | C4 | photo | Yucca sp. | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 1 | photo | Basse Californie | | | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 19 | article | Basse Californie ... autre paradis pour succulentophiles (I) | M. Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | CS6 | article | Cactaceas en la flora Silvestre de Chili | Adriana E. Hoffmann | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 20 | photo | Echinocereus engelmannii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 17 | photo | Erythrina | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 20 | photo | Ferocactus gracilis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | C4 | photo | Ferocactus gracilis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | C1 | photo | Fouquiera sp. | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 11 | article | Henri Rose | M. Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 14 | photo | Hylocereus undatus | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 23 | photo | Ibervillea sonorae v. peninsularis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | C1 | photo | Idria columnaris | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 20 | photo | Idria columnaris | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 3 | article | Le genre Moringa | P. Delaveau P. Boiteau | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 12 | article | Le pitahaya rouge, un nouveau fruit exotique | G. Barbeau | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 7 | article | Les deux espèces d'Opuntia naturalisées dans le bassin moyen du Rhone | P. Berthet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 4 | photo | Moringa ovalifolia | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 8 | photo | Opuntia humifusa | | | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 8 | photo | Opuntia vulgaris | | | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 21 | photo | Pachycereus pringlei | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 21 | photo | Pachycormus discolei | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 15 | photo | Pitahaya | | | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | 16 | photo | Pitahaya | | | | |
Succulentes | 1990 | 1990-4 | CS8 | article | Walther Haage à l'honneur | M. Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 3 | article | Basse Californie ... autre paradis pour succulentophiles (II) | M. Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 1 | photo | Carte de Basse Californie | | | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 29 | photo | Epithelantha neomexicana | | | semis de 8 mois, collection | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 29 | photo | Escobaria orcutti v. koenigii | | | semis de 8 mois, collection | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 20 | article | Essayez ces cactus de Pâques | J-F. Horobin | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 7 | photo | Ferocactus diguetii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 4 | photo | Ferocactus gatesii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 8 | photo | Ferocactus rectispinus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 32 | article | Hommage à Henri Mugeli (1909-1990) | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 5 | photo | Lophocereus schotii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | C4 | photo | Machaerocereus eruca | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 10 | photo | Mammillaria cerralboa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | C1 | photo | Pachycereus pringlei | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 4 | photo | Pachycereus pringlei | | | cristation, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 28 | photo | Parodia catamarcensis v. rubriflora | | | semis de 10 mois, collection | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 26 | article | Présentation d'une méthode de semis des cactées | A. de Barmon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 25 | photo | Rhipsalidopsis sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 22 | photo | Rhipsalis crispata | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 28 | photo | Semis de 10 semaines | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-1 | 13 | article | Semis et repiquages | Gérard Alibert | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 29 | photo | Agave sp. | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 21 | article | Analyses d'articles de la Deutsch Kakteen Gesselschatt N°1-1991 | M. Katz | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 24 | article | Basse Californie ... autre paradis pour succulentophiles (III) | M. Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 17 | article | Claves para la identificacion de las Cactaceas de Mexico | L. Ulises Guzman et A. Salvador Arias, Helia Bravo Hollis | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 28 | photo | Cochemia poselgeri | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 30 | photo | Ferocactus diguetii v. variegata | | | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 25 | photo | Idria columnaris | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 4 | article | Les géraniacées des milieux arides | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 10 | photo | Mammillaria eriacantha | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 11 | photo | Mammillaria eriacantha | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 9 | article | Mammillaria eriacantha, une espèce de la côte Atlantique | W. Reppenhagen | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 5 | photo | Mésembryanthémacées | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 15 | photo | Opuntia robusta | | | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 13 | photo | Opuntia et cochenilles | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | C4 | photo | Pelargonium caylae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 5 | photo | Pelargonium crassicaule | | | = P. mirabile, collection | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 5 | photo | Pelargonium mirabile | | | = P. crassicaule, collection | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 4 | photo | Pelargonium sp. | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 16 | article | Résistance des succulentes près de La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) | Didier Sabourin | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 5 | photo | Sarcocaulon rigidum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 8 | photo | Sarcocaulon sp. | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | C1 | photo | Sarcocaulon vanderietiae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 32 | photo | Stenocereus thurberi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 12 | article | Une cactée qui vous veut du bien | S. Vogel | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-2 | 28 | photo | Yucca valida | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 31 | photo | Agave americana | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | C1 | photo | Agave angustifolia | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | C4 | photo | Agave angustifolia | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 29 | photo | Agave franzosinii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 28 | photo | Agave à pulque | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 18 | article | Analyses d'articles de la Deutsch Kakteen Gesselschatt | M. Katz | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 17 | article | Cacti and other succulents : the amateur' digest written and illustrated for and by amateur hobbyists everywhere | Marina Welham | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 31 | photo | Dr. Jorge Meyran | | | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 21 | article | Etude phénologique du genre Lithops, observations, applications pratiques | J-L. Lyons et J-M. Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 18 | article | Guide des jardins botaniques de France | | fr | Pandora editions, livre | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 3 | article | La dérive des continents, le climat et l'évolution des cactus (I) | J-D. Mauseth | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 25 | photo | Lithops schwantesii v. urikosensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 25 | photo | Lithops sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 22 | photo | Lithops | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 18 | article | Mesemb study group bulletin | | fr | Revue anglaise, livre | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 10 | photo | Opuntia leucotricha | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 5 | photo | Oreocereus hendricksenianus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 8 | photo | Peireskia aculeata v. godseffiana | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 4 | photo | Pilosocereus sartorianus | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 31 | photo | Pr. Hernando Sanchez Mejorada | | | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-3 | 27 | article | Quelques Agaves et leur utilité dans l'économie | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 25 | article | Analyses d'articles de la Deutsch Kakteen Gesselschatt | M. Katz | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 32 | photo | Coryphanta roederiana | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 32 | photo | Epithelantha micromeris | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia monteiroi x obesa | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia monteiroi | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia obesa x valida | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia obesa | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia valida | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 19 | article | Fernand Delrue | M. Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 19 | photo | Fernand Delrue | | | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 29 | photo | Gymnocalycium horridispinum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 29 | photo | Gymnocalycium horstii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 11 | article | Intéressante découverte d'un Melocactus dans le bassin de l'Orénoque, Vénézuela | J-M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 20 | article | Jardin de Roquebrun | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 21 | photo | Jardin de Roquebrun | | | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 15 | article | L'Afrique du Sud et la Namibie : une étude (I) | Mel Roberts | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 28 | article | La dérive des continents, le climat et l'évolution des cactus (II) | J-D. Mauseth | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 3 | article | Les misères d'un jardinier | G. Femmelat | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 8 | photo | Melocactus communis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 9 | photo | Melocactus communis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | C4 | photo | Melocactus ernestii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | C1 | photo | Melocactus intortus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 12 | photo | Melocactus sp. | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 13 | photo | Melocactus sp. | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 7 | article | Melocactus communis, LK. et O., une aventure à l'île de la Désirade | J-M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1991 | 1991-4 | 6 | article | Melocactus, depuis 1492 | N. Rebmann | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 20 | photo | Augea capensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 14 | article | Cacti The illustrated dictionnary | Rod et Ken Preston-Mapham | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | C1 | photo | Cyphostemma crameriana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 8 | photo | Espostoa melanostele | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 21 | photo | Euphorbia virosa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 9 | article | Greffer : Pourquoi? Comment? | Gérard Alibert | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 5 | photo | Haageocereus tenuispinus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 28 | photo | Hoodia | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 17 | article | L'Afrique du Sud et la Namibie : une étude (II) | Mel Roberts | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 5 | photo | Matucuna yanganucensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 3 | article | Répartition géographique des cactées au Pérou | Dr Carlos Ostolaza Nano | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | C4 | photo | Sarcocaulon rigidum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 14 | article | Sur les ailes du condor | Luc Theys | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 4 | photo | Tephrocactus crispicrinitus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 4 | photo | Tillandsia latifolia | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-1 | 24 | photo | Welwiitschia mirabilis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 17 | article | A guide to tequila, mezcal and pulque | v. Bottorf de Barrios | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 9 | photo | Adesmia | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 8 | photo | Argyroderma braunsii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 17 | article | Cactaceas | Leia Scheinvar | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | C1 | photo | Cephalophyllum sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | C4 | photo | Cheiridopsis candidissima | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 29 | article | Comment arroser les Mésembryanthémacées | Norbert Rebmann | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 13 | photo | Dracophilus delaetianus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 5 | photo | Fenestraria aurantiaca | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 5 | photo | Fenestraria sp. | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 5 | photo | Fenestraria sp. | | | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 9 | photo | Frithia pulchra | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 9 | photo | Frithia pulchra | | | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 12 | photo | Frithia pulchra | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 22 | article | L'Afrique du Sud et la Namibie : une étude (III) | Mel Roberts | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 1 | photo | Lampranthus calcaratus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 29 | photo | Lampranthus coccineus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 16 | article | Las cactaceas de Mexico | H. Bravo-Hollis et H. Sanchez-Mejorada | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 17 | article | List of Cactaceae | | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 28 | photo | Pachypodium namaquanum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 5 | photo | Pleiospilos dimidiatus | | | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 12 | photo | Pleiospilos sp. | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 3 | article | Quelques photorécepteurs remarquables chez les Mésembryanthémacées | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 5 | photo | Rhinephyllum broomii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 5 | photo | Rhinephyllum broomii | | | feuille | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 9 | photo | Titanopsis calcarea | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 9 | photo | Titanopsis calcarea | | | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 9 | photo | Titanopsis calcarea | | | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 9 | photo | Titanopsis fulleri | | | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 9 | photo | Titanopsis fulleri | | | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 5 | photo | Trichodiadema mirabile | | | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-2 | 5 | photo | Trichodiadema sp. | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 6 | photo | Acrocomia totai | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 7 | photo | Cereus paraguayensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 10 | photo | Chorisia insignis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 10 | photo | Copernicia australis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 15 | photo | Echinocereus cinerascens v. cinerascens | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 19 | photo | Echinocereus engelmannii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 14 | photo | Echinocereus pentalophus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 18 | photo | Echinocereus poselgeri | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 15 | photo | Echinocereus scopulorum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 14 | photo | Echinocereus subinermis v. subinermis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 12 | article | Echinocereus | Norbert Rebmann | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 29 | article | Glossaire succulentophile | Marcel Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 11 | photo | Gymnocalycium mihanovichii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 3 | article | Moitié brousse, moitié jardin : le Paraguay (I) | Marcel Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | C4 | photo | Monville kroenleinii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | C1 | photo | Stetsonia coryne | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-3 | 3 | photo | Tabebuia ipe | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 24 | article | 20000 plantes, ou et comment les acheter? | | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 24 | article | Alla scoperta di cactus preziosi | Carlo Zanovello | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 31 | photo | Arrojadoa eriocaulis v. albicoronata | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 29 | article | Brésil 1991 | J.M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | C1 | photo | Cavanillesia arborea | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 10 | photo | Discocactus hartmannii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | C4 | photo | Discocactus horstii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 27 | article | Glossaire succulentophile | Marcel Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 11 | photo | Gymnocalycium fleischerianum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 7 | photo | Gymnocalycium pflanzii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 23 | article | L'encyclopédie illustrée des cactus | C. Innes et C. Glass | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 23 | article | La garance voyageuse | | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 14 | article | Les sulcorebutias | L. Theys | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 10 | photo | Mirabella kroenleinii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 3 | article | Moitié brousse, moitié jardin : le Paraguay (II) | Marcel Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 6 | photo | Notocactus schumanni | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 27 | photo | Opuntia quimilo | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 30 | photo | Pilosocereus pachycladus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 6 | photo | Quiabentia pflanzii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 7 | photo | Quiabentia pflanzii | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 6 | photo | Stetsonia coryne | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 15 | photo | Sulcorebutia lozenickyana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 15 | photo | Sulcorebutia mizquensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 14 | photo | Sulcorebutia steinbachii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 18 | photo | Sulcorebutia tiraquensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 18 | photo | Sulcorebutia tiraquensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1992 | 1992-4 | 19 | photo | Sulcorebutia verticillata v. aureiflora | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 27 | photo | Agave mitis v. albidior | | | Jardin exotique de Monaco, collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 30 | photo | Agave mitis v. albidior | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 23 | article | Analyses d'articles de la Deutsch Kakteen Gesselschatt | M. Katz | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 3 | article | Brésil 1991 | J.M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | C1 | photo | Cipocereus minensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 15 | photo | Cochenilles | | | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 10 | photo | Coleocephalocereus purpureus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 22 | article | Der palmengarten | | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 22 | article | Didiereaceae | Gordon D. Rowley | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 6 | photo | Discocactus insignis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 15 | photo | Fusariose | | | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 13 | article | Maladies et parasites chez les plantes succulentes | Norbert Rebmann | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 11 | photo | Micranthocereus auri-azureus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 15 | photo | Nécroses | | | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 26 | article | Observations sur Agave mitis, A. celsii et A. albicans | Bernd Ulrich | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 7 | photo | Pilosocereus bradet | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 22 | article | Portraits de cactées | Rod et Ken Preston-Mafham | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 15 | photo | pourriture orange | | | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | C4 | photo | Tacinga braunii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 23 | article | The plantsman | A. Rodriguez | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 15 | photo | Thrips | | | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-1 | 3 | photo | Uebelmannia flavispina | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 18 | photo | Aloe ciliaris | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | C4 | photo | Aloe rupestris | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 18 | photo | Aloe salm-dyckiana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 4 | article | Aloe rupestris, en fleur à Chevreloup | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 23 | article | Analyses d'articles de la Deutsch Kakteen Gesselschatt | M. Katz | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 14 | photo | Beaucarnea stricta | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 11 | photo | Echinocactus grusonii | | | 130 ans, collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 16 | photo | Floralies de Paris 1969 | | | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 5 | article | Introduction au genre Jatropha | Anthony Rodriguez | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 11 | article | Jardin exotique de Monaco | Marcel Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 7 | photo | Jatropha angustideus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 6 | photo | Jatropha flavorvirens | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 10 | photo | Jatropha podagrica | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 15 | photo | Lampranthus emarginatus | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 20 | article | Nomenclature botanique | M. Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 11 | photo | Portulacaria afra | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-2 | 28 | article | Succulentes au naturel | Janine Vitou | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 11 | photo | Agave sp. | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 9 | article | Le fort Napoléon et les succulentes | Claude Sastre | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 12 | article | Les succulentes des Saintes | Claude Sastre | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 14 | photo | Melocactus communis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 11 | photo | Melocactus intortus | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 21 | article | Pachypodes | Lucile Allorge-Boiteau | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 27 | photo | Pachypodium baronii | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | C4 | photo | Pachypodium baronii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 26 | photo | Pachypodium brevicaule | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 26 | photo | Pachypodium brevicaule | | | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 23 | photo | Pachypodium decaryi | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 23 | photo | Pachypodium decaryi | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | C1 | photo | Pachypodium densiflorum | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 26 | photo | Pachypodium densiflorum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 22 | photo | Pachypodium lamerei | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 22 | photo | Pachypodium lamerei | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 22 | photo | Pachypodium lamerei | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 22 | photo | Pachypodium lamerei | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 23 | photo | Pachypodium rosulatum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 26 | photo | Pachypodium rosulatum | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 23 | photo | Pachypodium rutenbergianum | | | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 27 | photo | Pachypodium rutenbergianum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 10 | photo | Pilosocereus nobilis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 30 | photo | Stapelia pulvinata | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 4 | article | Succulentes au naturel (suite) | Janine Vitou | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 31 | photo | Trichocaulon delaetianum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-3 | 28 | article | Une reclassification préliminaire des genres Hoodia at Trichocaulon (I) | Darrel C.H. Plowes | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 20 | article | Analyses d'articles de la Deutsch Kakteen Gesselschatt | M. Katz | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 19 | article | Coryphanta and associated genera | Ian Lawrie | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 6 | photo | Euphorbia alluaudii v. alluaudii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia alluaudii v. alluaudii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 7 | photo | Euphorbia cedrorum | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia cedrorum | | | tronc, collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia cedrorum | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia cedrorum | | | fleurs mâles, collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia cedrorum | | | fleurs femelles, collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia cedrorum | | | graines et capsules, collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia cedrorum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia cedrorum | | | feuille, collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia cedrorum | | | anneau de cire, collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 5 | article | Euphorbia cedrorum | W. Rauh, R. Hebding | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 23 | photo | Hoodia alstonii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 26 | photo | Hoodia flava | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | C4 | photo | Hylocereus triangularis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 4 | article | Hylocereus triangularis | Y. Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 12 | article | La vieille dame de Chevreloup : Sesamothamnus lugardii | Y. Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 19 | article | Le guide des cactus du monde | A.M. Lamb | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 30 | photo | Leachia perlata | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | C1 | photo | Sesamothamnus lugardii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 14 | photo | Sesamothamnus lugardii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 15 | photo | Sesamothamnus lugardii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 15 | photo | Sesamothamnus lugardii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 15 | photo | Sesamothamnus lugardii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1993 | 1993-4 | 22 | article | Une reclassification préliminaire des genres Hoodia at Trichocaulon (II) | Darrel C.H. Plowes | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 24 | article | Agaven | B. Ullrich | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 24 | article | Analyses d'articles de la Deutsch Kakteen Gesselschatt | M. Katz | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 24 | article | Cactaceae checklist - CITES | David Hunt | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 23 | article | Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l'écologie et des sciences de l'environnement | François Ramade | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 14 | photo | Echinopsis sp. | | | Fleurs blanches-roses, collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 15 | photo | Epiphyllum speciosissinum grandiflorum | | | Fleur rouge, collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 18 | photo | Euphorbia cedrorum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 18 | article | Euphorbia cedrorum | Werner Rauh | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 5 | article | Euphorbia geroldii | Werner Rauh | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | C1 | photo | Euphorbia geroldii | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 6 | photo | Euphorbia geroldii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 7 | photo | Euphorbia geroldii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 7 | photo | Euphorbia geroldii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 7 | photo | Euphorbia geroldii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 8 | article | Euphorbia geroldii | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 5 | article | Euphorbia robivelonae | Werner Rauh | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia robivelonae | | | Vue d'ensemble, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia robivelonae | | | Rameaux, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia robivelonae | | | Feuilles et stipules, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia robivelonae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia terdienana | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia thuarsiana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | C4 | photo | Euphorbia thuarsiana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 13 | article | La classification des Cactaceae | Jacques URBAN | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 27 | article | Leachiella PLOWES : un nouveau nom générique | Darrell C.H. Plowes | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 23 | article | Mexique : l'homme et l'agave | S. Hargous et T. Vogel | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | 29 | article | Qu'en est-il de la production et de la commercialisation des plantes succulentes au niveau de la CEE? | Vincent Porro | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-1 | C2 | photo | Testudinaria elephantipes | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 15 | photo | Aloe saponaria | | | = A. maculosa | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 30 | photo | Cactoblastis cactorum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 12 | photo | Euphorbia officinarum | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 15 | photo | Hawortia margaritifera | | | = Aloe margaritifera | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 15 | photo | Hawortia retusa | | | = Aloe retusa | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 26 | article | La lutte biologique contre les epèces de Cactaceae | Geneviève Martinelle | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 6 | article | Le genre Senecio Linné | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 4 | article | Les cactées et les plantes grasses | E. Thiebaut | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 23 | article | Liste des noms de plantes succulentes autres que les cactées | U. Eggli et N. Taylor | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 26 | photo | Opuntia ficus-indica | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 31 | photo | Opuntia ficus-indica | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 29 | photo | Opuntia inermis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | C1 | photo | Opuntia | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 14 | photo | Opuntia | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 13 | article | Quelques succulentes dans l'oeuvre de Lamark | Michel Cornet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 12 | photo | Senecio anteuphorbium | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | C4 | photo | Senecio cephalophorus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 11 | photo | Senecio herreianus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 11 | photo | Senecio longiflorus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 6 | photo | Senecio scaposus | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 10 | photo | Senecio serpens | | | = S. repens, collection | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 7 | photo | Senecio sp. | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-2 | 11 | photo | Senecio tropaeolifolius | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 26 | article | À la recherche des cactées épiphytes et grimpantes de l'état de Véracruz (I) | L. Scheinvar J. Gutierrez Amaro A. Rodriguez Fuentes | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 9 | photo | Alluaudia ascendens | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 9 | photo | Alluaudia comosa | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 7 | photo | Alluaudia dumosa | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 6 | photo | Alluaudia dumosa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 7 | photo | Alluaudia dumosa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 9 | photo | Alluaudia humbertii | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 7 | photo | Alluaudia montagnacii | | | Tronc | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 9 | photo | Alluaudia montagnacii | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | C1 | photo | Alluaudia procera | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 7 | photo | Alluaudia procera | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 7 | photo | Alluaudia procera | | | Tiges | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 7 | photo | Alluaudia procera | | | Tronc | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 9 | photo | Alluaudia procera | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 11 | photo | Alluaudiopsis marnieriana | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | C4 | photo | Aloe albiflora | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 23 | photo | Arrojadoa eriocaulis v. albicoronata | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 3 | photo | Arrojadoa eriocaulis v. rosenbergeriana | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 23 | photo | Arrojadoa eriocaulis v. rosenbergeriana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 22 | photo | Arrojadoa eriocaulis | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 23 | photo | Arrojadoa eriocaulis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 22 | article | Arrojadoa eriocaulis et ses variétés rosenbergeriana et albicoronata | J.M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 6 | photo | Bush à Didiéracées | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 4 | photo | Carte de Madagascar | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 5 | photo | Cartes de Madagascar | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 12 | article | Clé pour l'identification sur le terrain des Didiereaceae | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 9 | photo | Decaryia madagascariensis | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 7 | photo | Didierea madagascariensis | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 13 | photo | Didierea madagascariensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 9 | photo | Didierea madagascariensis | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 7 | photo | Didierea trollii | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 7 | photo | Didierea trollii | | | macro | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 9 | photo | Didierea trollii | | | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 18 | article | Enracinement de cactées épiphytes à tout moment de l'année dans l'eau | Manfred Voigt | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 31 | photo | Epiphyllum phyllanthus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 14 | article | Ferocactus haematacanthus | J.M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 14 | photo | Ferocactus haematacanthus | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 14 | photo | Ferocactus haematacanthus | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 15 | photo | Ferocactus haematacanthus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 4 | article | Les Didiereaceae du sud malgache | Caroline Bourgeois | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 27 | photo | Rhipsalis baccifera | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 31 | photo | Rhipsalis baccifera | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 27 | photo | Selenicereus grandiflorus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 26 | photo | Selenicereus hamatus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 27 | photo | Selenicereus testudo | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 30 | photo | Selenicereus testudo | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 20 | article | The genus Sclerocactus | Fritz Hochstatter | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-3 | 25 | article | Une espèce singulière : Aloe albiflora | Yves Delange = Guillauminia albiflora | fr | = Guillauminia albiflora | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 7 | article | À la recherche des cactées épiphytes et grimpantes de l'état de Véracruz (II) | L. Scheinvar J. Gutierrez Amaro A. Rodriguez Fuentes | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 29 | photo | Aztekium hintonii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | C1 | photo | Cereus peruvianus | | | = C. uruguayanus C. hildmannianus, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 31 | article | Comparaison entre Aztekium hintonii et Geohintonia mexicana | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 12 | photo | Epiphyllum phyllanthus v. hookeri | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 32 | photo | Geohintonia mexicana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 4 | article | Marcel Koenlein le compagnon de route | J.M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | C4 | photo | Notocactus mammulosus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 12 | photo | Rhipsalis baccifera | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 12 | photo | Selenicereus grandiflorus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 12 | photo | Selenicereus spinulosus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 21 | photo | Stapelianthus arenarius | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 21 | photo | Stapelianthus arenarius | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 21 | photo | Stapelianthus calcarophilus | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 25 | photo | Stapelianthus calcarophilus | | | macro, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 20 | photo | Stapelianthus decaryi | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 25 | photo | Stapelianthus decaryi | | | macro, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 26 | photo | Stapelianthus hardyi | | | macro, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 20 | photo | Stapelianthus insignis subsp. insignis | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 24 | photo | Stapelianthus insignis subsp. insignis | | | macro, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 20 | photo | Stapelianthus insignis subsp. tongoboryensis | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 24 | photo | Stapelianthus insignis subsp. tongoboryensis | | | macro, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 20 | photo | Stapelianthus insignis | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 20 | photo | Stapelianthus keraudrenae | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 24 | photo | Stapelianthus keraudrenae | | | macro, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 21 | photo | Stapelianthus madagascariensis | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 26 | photo | Stapelianthus madagascariensis | | | macro, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 21 | photo | Stapelianthus montagnacii | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 20 | photo | Stapelianthus pilosus | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 18 | article | Stapelianthus, genre endémique malgache de Stapelieae (Asclepiadaceae) (I) | Ph. Morat | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 16 | article | Succulents - The illustrated dictionnary | M. Sajeva M. costanzo | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 29 | article | Sur le site naturel d'Aztekium hintonii et Geohintonia mexicana | J.M. Chalet J.M. Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1994 | 1994-4 | 15 | article | Threatened cacti of Mexico | | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 9 | photo | Discocactus horstii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | C1 | photo | Discocactus insignis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | C4 | photo | Discocactus insignis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 4 | photo | Discocactus latispinus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 8 | photo | Discocactus latispinus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 9 | photo | Discocactus melanochlorus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 4 | photo | Discocactus multicolorispinus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 5 | photo | Discocactus placentiformis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 5 | photo | Discocactus placentiformis | | | céphalium, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 20 | photo | Echinocereus procubens | | | timbre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 20 | photo | Echinopsis multiplex | | | timbre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 20 | photo | Euphorbia virosa | | | timbre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 12 | photo | Kalanchoe beauverdii v. jueli | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 12 | photo | Kalanchoe beauverdii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 13 | photo | Kalanchoe beauverdii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 13 | photo | Kalanchoe beauverdii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 16 | photo | Kalanchoe rechingeri | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 16 | photo | Kalanchoe rechingeri | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 17 | photo | Kalanchoe rechingeri | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 17 | photo | Kalanchoe rosei | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 12 | photo | Kalanchoe schizophylla | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 17 | photo | Kalanchoe tubiflora | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 26 | article | Le genre Mammillaria dans la vallée de Tomellin (Oaxaca) extinction-extension | J-M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 28 | photo | Mammillaria crucigera | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 28 | photo | Mammillaria dixanthocentron | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 28 | photo | Mammillaria huitzilopochtli | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 5 | photo | Marcel Kroenlein | | | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 9 | photo | Marcel Kroenlein | | | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 19 | article | Marcel Kroenlein : 1928-1994 | J-M. Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 24 | article | Monvillea kroenleinii : une nouvelle espèce de Monvillea du Paraguay | Pr. Roberto Kiesling | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 21 | article | Présentation d'un inventaire informatisé pour le suivi d'une collection d'amateur | Jean-Franc Richard | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 11 | article | Quelques espèces intéressantes de Kalanchoe (Adanson) de Madagascar | Pr. W. Rauh | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 30 | article | Stapelianthus, genre endémique malgache de Stapelieae (Asclepiadaceae) (II) | Ph. Morat | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 3 | article | Sue le site des Discocactus (Pfeiffer) | J-M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-1 | 20 | photo | Zygocactus truncatus | | | timbre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 19 | article | Acidité du substrat | Pierre Fontaine | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 37 | photo | Aeonium ciliatum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 37 | photo | Aeonium cuneatum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 22 | article | Analyses d'articles de la Deutsch Kakteen Gesselschatt | M. Katz | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 22 | article | Die Gattung Anacampseros L. (Portulacaceae) Sytématique | M. Gerbaulet | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 21 | article | Eriosyce (Cactaceae) The Genus revised and amplified | Fred Kattermann | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 33 | photo | Eulychnia acida | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 33 | photo | Eulychnia acida | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | C4 | photo | Euphobia candelabrum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 21 | article | Euphobia Journal Vol 9 | | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | C1 | photo | Euphorbia cooperi | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia cooperi | | | biotope, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia ingens | | | biotope, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia ingens | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 22 | article | Flora of tropical east Africa - Vitaceae | B. Verdcourt | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 26 | article | Flore à brouillard et succulentes du Nord désertique hilien (El tofo et Fray Jorge) | Ph. Woltz et R. Gajardo | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 21 | article | Guide des plantes tropicales | Andreas Bartels | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 22 | article | Iconographie descriptive des cactées | C. Lemaire | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 13 | photo | Kalanchoe arborescens | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 13 | photo | Kalanchoe arborescens | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 16 | photo | Kalanchoe beharensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 10 | photo | Kalanchoe brevisepala | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 16 | photo | Kalanchoe grandidieri | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 8 | photo | Kalanchoe grandidieri | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 12 | photo | Kalanchoe milloti | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 21 | article | La biodiversité, enjeu planétaire | Michel Chauvet et Louis Olivier | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 3 | article | Les euphorbes géantes d'Afrique australe | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 8 | article | Les Kalanchoe arborecents du sud de Madagascar | Lucile Allorge-Boiteau | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 33 | photo | Phyrigilanthus aphyllus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 22 | article | Succulents of Madagascar | Werner Rauh | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 36 | article | Tenerife, l'île des contrastes ! | Christian Mouré | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 22 | article | The families and genera of vascular plants | W. Barthlott et D. Hunt | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 33 | photo | Trichocereus coquimbanus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 40 | photo | Turbinicarpus subterraneus v. zaragosae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 40 | photo | Turbinicarpus subterraneus v. zaragosae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 40 | photo | Turbinicarpus subterraneus v. zaragosae | | | racines, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 40 | photo | Turbinicarpus subterraneus v. zaragosae | | | colonie, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 39 | article | Turbinicarpus subterraneus v. zaragosae (JMC831) | J-M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-2 | 21 | article | Une nouvelle espèce de Discocactus, Discocactus crassispinus | | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 9 | photo | Adansonia grandidieri | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 13 | photo | Aloe suzannae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 12 | photo | Euphorbia enterophora v. crassa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 13 | photo | Euphorbia enterophora | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia ingens | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia tirucalli | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia zoutpansbergensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 30 | article | L'aridité et sa spécificité dans les déserts cotiers de l'amérique du sud (I) | Roberto ESPEJO GUASP, Luis MARTINEZ DIAZ, Cristian ESTADES MARFAN, Alain GIODA | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 3 | article | Les euphorbes géantes d'Afrique australe (Suite) | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 9 | article | Madagascar, royaume des plantes succulentes. | Dieter Supthut | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 12 | photo | Moringia hildebrandii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 7 | article | Neolloydia erctocentra v. acunensis | J.M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 8 | photo | Neolloydia erctocentra v. acunensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 8 | photo | Neolloydia erctocentra v. acunensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 9 | photo | Pachypodium baronii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | C1 | photo | Pachypodium geayi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 13 | photo | Pachypodium lamerei | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 12 | photo | Pachypodium rosulatum v. gracilis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 22 | article | Quelques considérations sur le genre Turbinicarpus | Anton Hofer | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 18 | article | Rocailles | Marcel Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 28 | photo | Turbinicarpus gautii | | | = Gymnocactus beguinii, habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 28 | photo | Turbinicarpus gielsdorfianus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 25 | photo | Turbinicarpus knuthianus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 25 | photo | Turbinicarpus mandragora | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 28 | photo | Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 25 | photo | Turbinicarpus saueri | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 28 | photo | Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus v. flaviflorus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 25 | photo | Turbinicarpus swobodae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-3 | 24 | photo | Turbinicarpus ysabelae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 21 | article | Aloe | | fr | Revue anglaise, livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 16 | photo | Caralluma europaea | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 12 | photo | Caralluma negevensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 9 | photo | Cierges | Roberto ESPEJO | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 9 | photo | Copiapoa cinerea ssp. haseltoniana | Roberto ESPEJO | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 5 | photo | cuezcomate | | | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 3 | article | Dans le site naturel de Mammillaria guerreronis et M. magnifica | J.M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 9 | photo | Echinopsis deserticola | Roberto ESPEJO | | Guillave, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 29 | photo | Euphorbia mauritanica | | | Cyathium, collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 29 | photo | Euphorbia milli | | | Cyathium, collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 32 | photo | Euphorbia sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 7 | article | L'aridité et sa spécificité dans les déserts côtiers de l'amérique du sud (suite) | Roberto ESPEJO GUASP, Luis MARTINEZ DIAZ, Cristian ESTADES MARFAN, Alain GIODA | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 22 | article | L'extraordinaire vitalité des boutures de cactacées | Max Delugin | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 12 | article | La connaissance systématique des Caralluma d'Israël, du Sinaï et de la Jordanie, sur la base d'un aspect des conditions écologi | Meyer Chaouat | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 25 | photo | laticifère | | | Vue au microscope, collection | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 18 | article | Le baobab | R. Lavergne | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 14 | carte | Le genre Caralluma en Israël | | | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 28 | article | Les euphorbes | G. Mazza | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 21 | article | Les plantes vasculaires de la république de Djibouti | J. Aubrun, J. César, J6P Lebrun et Coll | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 21 | article | Les succulentes de Madagascar | Werner Rauh | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 25 | photo | Mammillaria chionocephala | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | C1 | photo | Mammillaria guerreronis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 4 | photo | Mammillaria guerreronis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 4 | photo | Mammillaria magnifica | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | C4 | photo | Mammillaria magnifica | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 25 | photo | Mammillaria magnimamma | | | Sécrétion laiteuse, collection | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 25 | photo | Mammillaria magnimamma | | | Sécrétion laiteuse, collection | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 25 | photo | Mammillaria | | | Sécrétion laiteuse, collection | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 24 | article | Mammillaria et sécrétions laiteuses | James D. Mauseth | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 9 | photo | Mer de nuages | Roberto ESPEJO | | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 9 | photo | Neoportesia pausicostata ssp. pausicostata | Roberto ESPEJO | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 9 | photo | Neoportesia pausicostata ssp. pausicostata | Roberto ESPEJO | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 9 | photo | Opuntia tunicata | Roberto ESPEJO | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 18 | article | Rocailles (II) | Marcel Kroenlein | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 8 | photo | Schéma de la coupe méridionale de la troposphère | | | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 10 | photo | Schéma de la formation des nuages | | | | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 21 | article | The genera Pediocactus-Navajoa-Toumeya revised | Fritz Hochstatter | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1995 | 1995-4 | 20 | photo | Une récompense bien méritée | Jean Arnéodo | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 21 | photo | Arboretum "Marcel Kroenlein" | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 28 | photo | Ariocarpus agavoïdes | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 25 | photo | Ariocarpus retusus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 28 | photo | Ariocarpus retusus | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 29 | photo | Ariocarpus trigonus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 4 | photo | Aztekium hintonii | | | JM Chalet, George Hinton, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 25 | photo | Aztekium ritteri | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 28 | photo | Aztekium ritteri | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | C4 | photo | Caralluma burchardii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 9 | photo | Caralluma europaea v. judaïca | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 4 | photo | Echinocereus pulchellus v. sharpii | | | Georgy Hinton, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | C1 | photo | Geohintonia mexicana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 4 | photo | Geohintonia mexicana | | | JM Chalet, George Hinton, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 5 | photo | Geohintonia mexicana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 5 | photo | Geohintonia mexicana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 3 | article | Geohintonia mexicana, observation dans le site naturel | Jean-Marc Chalet, Anton Hofer | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 20 | article | Inauguration de l'Arboretum "Marcel Kroenlein" | JM Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 19 | article | Kalanchoe de Madagascar | Pierre Boiteau, Lucille Allorge-Boiteau | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 6 | article | La connaissance systématique des Caralluma d'Israël, du Sinaï et de la Jordanie, sur la base d'un aspect des conditions écologi | Meyer Chouat | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 31 | article | La résurrection du Melocactus holguinensis | José Toledo Martinez | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 11 | article | Les cactées feuillues genre Pereskia en culture | Beat Ernst Leuenberger | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 28 | photo | Mammillaria pectinifera | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 32 | photo | Melocactus holguinensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 24 | article | Multiplication des Cactaceae mexicaines de croissance lente | A Cattabriga Bononio | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 25 | photo | Pelecyphora aselliformis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 12 | photo | Pereskia aculeata | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 12 | photo | Pereskia grandiflora | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 21 | photo | Sempervivum | | | Rocaille, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 29 | photo | Strombocactus disciformis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 28 | photo | Turbinicarpus klinkerianus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 29 | photo | Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 25 | photo | Turbinicarpus schmedickeanus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 29 | photo | Turbinicarpus valdezianus | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-1 | 29 | photo | Turbinicarpus valdezianus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 4 | photo | A. Hofer | | | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 4 | photo | C. Glass | | | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 6 | article | Les cactées feuillues genre Pereskia en culture (suite) | Beat Ernst Leuenberger | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 23 | article | Les frangipaniers | Lucile Allorge | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 32 | article | Pensées amicales | Charles Glass | fr | éditorial | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 8 | photo | Pereskia bleo | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 8 | photo | Pereskia grandiflora v. violacea | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 8 | photo | Pereskia werberiana | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 8 | photo | Pereskia zinniiflora | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 24 | photo | Plumeria alba | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 24 | photo | Plumeria alba | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 24 | photo | Plumeria alba | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 24 | photo | Plumeria filifolia | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 24 | photo | Plumeria inodora | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 25 | photo | Plumeria inodora | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 25 | photo | Plumeria inodora | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 28 | photo | Plumeria obtusa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 28 | photo | Plumeria pudica | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 28 | photo | Plumeria pudica | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 28 | photo | Plumeria pudica | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 28 | photo | Plumeria pudica | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 12 | article | Quelques succulentes d'altitude de la flore française (Partie I) | J.M. Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 20 | article | Rocailles dans les Corbières | Christian Mouré | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 21 | photo | Rocailles dans les Corbières | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 13 | photo | Sedum acre | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 16 | photo | Sedum anacampseros | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | C4 | photo | Sedum anacampseros | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 13 | photo | Sedum rosea | | | = Rhodiola rosea, habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 16 | photo | Sedum sediforme | | | = S. nicaeense, S. altissimum, habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 16 | photo | Sempervicum tectorum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | C1 | photo | Sempervivum arachnoideum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 12 | photo | Sempervivum tectorum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 29 | photo | Turbinicarpus jauernigii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 29 | photo | Turbinicarpus jauernigii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 29 | photo | Turbinicarpus jauernigii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 4 | photo | Turbinicarpus ysabelae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 4 | photo | Turbinicarpus ysabelae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 5 | photo | Turbinicarpus ysabelae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 5 | photo | Turbinicarpus ysabelae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 29 | article | Turbinicarpus jauernigii: le pillage continue... | J.M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-2 | 3 | article | Turbinicarpus ysabelae | J.M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 5 | photo | Anton Hofer | | | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 28 | photo | Ariocarpus bravoanus | | | Greffon, collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 24 | photo | Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 25 | photo | Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 25 | photo | Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 32 | photo | Ariocarpus trigonus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 28 | photo | Ariocarpus | | | Greffons, collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 24 | article | Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus | Jean-Noël Labat | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 12 | photo | Ferocactus diguetii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 13 | photo | Ferocactus diguetii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 13 | photo | Ferocactus diguetii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 28 | photo | Geohintonia mexicana | | | Greffons, collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 28 | photo | Greffons sur Pereskiopsis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 18 | article | Le choc thermique au cours de la germination | Claude Hericotte | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 27 | article | Le micro-greffage: quelle passion ! | Andrea Cattabriga | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 6 | article | Les frangipaniers (suite) | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 9 | photo | Manioc | | | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 28 | photo | Myrtillocactus geometrizans | | | Porte-greffe, collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 32 | photo | Obregonia denegrii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 32 | photo | Pediocactus despainii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 32 | photo | Pelecyphora strobiliformis | | | = Encephalocarpus, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 8 | photo | Plumeria rubra | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 8 | photo | Plumeria rubra | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 9 | photo | Plumeria rubra | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 9 | photo | Plumeria rubra | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 9 | photo | Pseudosphinx tetrio | | | Papillon | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 21 | photo | Stenocactus crispatus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 21 | photo | Stenocactus rinconensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 21 | photo | Stenocactus sp (JMC 1097) | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 21 | photo | Stenocactus sp (JMC 887) | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | C1 | photo | Stenocactus sp | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 21 | article | Stenocactus sp | JM Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 4 | photo | Turbinicarpus hoferi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 4 | photo | Turbinicarpus hoferi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 4 | photo | Turbinicarpus hoferi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 4 | photo | Turbinicarpus hoferi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | C4 | photo | Turbinicarpus hoferi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 3 | article | Turbinicarpus hoferi | Jean-Marc Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-3 | 11 | article | Un géant parmi les Ferocactus: Ferocactus diguetii v. diguetii | Jean-Marc Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 4 | article | À propos de deux représentants du genre Huernia | Michel Manetti et Gérard Delanoy | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 28 | photo | Ancistrocactus sheerii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 28 | photo | Ariocarpus fissuratus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 23 | photo | Ceropegia hermanni | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 24 | photo | Ceropegia hermanni | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 24 | photo | Ceropegia hermanni | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 24 | photo | Ceropegia hermanni | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 24 | photo | Ceropegia hermanni | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 24 | photo | Ceropegia hermanni | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 24 | photo | Ceropegia hermanni | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 22 | article | Ceropegia hermanni | Werner Rauh, Marc Teissier | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 3 | article | Ces co,pagnons des cactacées nord-américaines: les Yucca | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 28 | photo | Echinocereus russanthus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 29 | photo | Echinocereus triglochidiatus v. melanacanthus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 32 | photo | Epithelantha micromeris v. bokei | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 28 | photo | Epithelantha micromeris | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 13 | photo | Euphorbia ambovombensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 13 | photo | Euphorbia ambovombensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 13 | photo | Euphorbia ambovombensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 13 | photo | Euphorbia ambovombensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 13 | photo | Euphorbia ambovombensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia suzannae-marnieriae | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 12 | photo | Euphorbia suzannae-marnieriae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 12 | photo | Euphorbia suzannae-marnieriae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 12 | photo | Euphorbia suzannae-marnieriae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 12 | photo | Euphorbia suzannae-marnieriae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 12 | photo | Euphorbia suzannae-marnieriae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 10 | article | Euphorbia suzannae-marnieriae | Werner Rauh, Marc Teissier | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 21 | photo | Ferocactus latispinus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 28 | photo | Homalocephala texensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 8 | photo | Huernia hystrix v. hystrix | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 4 | photo | Huernia zebrina magniflora | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 9 | photo | Huernia zebrina zebrina | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 20 | photo | Mammillaria muehlenpfordtii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | C4 | photo | Mammillaria muehlenpfordtii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 20 | article | Mammillaria muehlenpfordtii | JM chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 29 | photo | Opuntia schotii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 26 | article | Texas - New Mexico 1995 | JM Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | 28 | photo | Thelocactus bicolor v. flavidispinus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1996 | 1996-4 | C1 | photo | Yucca sp | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | C1 | photo | Adenium obesum ssp. sokotranum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 12 | photo | Adenium obesum ssp. sokotranum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 29 | photo | Aeonium canariense | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 17 | photo | Aloe arborescens | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 21 | photo | Aloe arborescens | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 21 | photo | Aloe davyana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 20 | photo | Aloe ferox | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 13 | photo | Aloe marlothii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 20 | photo | Aloe mutabilis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 21 | photo | Aloe plicatilis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 21 | photo | Aloe saponaria | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 20 | photo | Aloe vera | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 20 | photo | Aloe vera | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 24 | photo | Astrophytum ornatum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 24 | photo | Astrophytum ornatum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 25 | photo | Astrophytum ornatum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 9 | photo | Caralluma socotrana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | IV | article | CITES | Jean Franc Richard | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 23 | article | Découverte d'Astrophytum ornatum dans les états de Guanajuato et San Luis Potosi | J.M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 5 | photo | Dendrosicyos socotrana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 28 | photo | Discocactus magnimammus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 8 | photo | Dorstenia gigas | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 9 | photo | Dorstenia gigas | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 8 | photo | Dracaena cinnabari | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 12 | photo | Dracaena cinnabari | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 26 | article | Du vocabulaire spécialisé des succulentes | P. Fontaine | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 28 | photo | Euphorbia caput-medusae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 28 | photo | Euphorbia horrida | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 29 | photo | Euphorbia lactea | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 25 | photo | Ferocactus glaucescens | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 29 | photo | Gymnocalycium sp. | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 13 | article | Les Aloes, plantes du Paradis | M. Cornet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 25 | photo | Mammillaria geminispina | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 29 | photo | Myrtillocactus geometrizans | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | C4 | photo | Neobuxbaumia polylopha | | | cristation, collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 28 | photo | Opuntia invicta | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 29 | photo | Opuntia microdasys | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 4 | carte | Socotra | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 3 | article | Socotra au futur incertain | Diccon Alexander, Anthony Miller | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 28 | photo | Stapelia arenosa | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-1 | 24 | photo | Vallée de Bagres | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 12 | photo | Adenium obesum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 12 | photo | Aloe sabaea | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | II | article | Botanique au pays de l'Encens, Périple au Yémen | José-Marie Bel | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia ambovombensis | | | tubercule, collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia ambovombensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia ambovombensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia ambovombensis | | | tiges, collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 3 | photo | Ceropegia ambovombensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 3 | photo | Ceropegia ambovombensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 3 | photo | Ceropegia ambovombensis | | | fleur en coupe, collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 3 | article | Ceropegia ambovombensis, une autre nouvelle espèce géophyte du sud-ouest de Madagascar | Dr Werner Rauh | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 24 | photo | Cistanthe celosioides | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 16 | photo | Conophytum albescens | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 20 | photo | Conophytum altum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 20 | photo | Conophytum compressum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 20 | photo | Conophytum ernianum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 16 | photo | Conophytum luisae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 20 | photo | Conophytum nelianum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 20 | photo | Conophytum ricardianum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 24 | photo | Copiapoa cinerascens | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | C1 | photo | Copiapoa cinerera | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 21 | photo | Copiapoa dealbata | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 25 | photo | Copiapoa dealbata | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 25 | photo | Copiapoa serpentisulcata | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 17 | carte | Distribution du Conophytum en Afrique du Sud | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | C4 | photo | Eriocyce aurata | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 24 | photo | Eriosyce aurata | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 24 | photo | Eriosyce aurata | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 13 | photo | Euphorbia ammak | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 13 | photo | Euphorbia balsamifera | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 13 | photo | Euphorbia fruticosa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 28 | photo | Euphorbia resinifera | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 29 | photo | Euphorbia resinifera | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 29 | photo | Euphorbia resinifera | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 29 | photo | Euphorbia resinifera v. chlorosoma | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 12 | photo | Euphorbia schimperi | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | XI | article | Horticulteurs spécialisés en plantees succulentes: Etranger. | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | X | article | Horticulteurs spécialisés en plantees succulentes: France. | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 16 | article | Les Conophytum | Francis Bugaret | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 32 | photo | Mammillaria morganiana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 32 | photo | Mammillaria morganiana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 32 | photo | Mammillaria morganiana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | V | article | Note (à propos de la CITES) | J-M Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 24 | photo | Opuntia sphaerica | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 13 | photo | Opuntia | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 21 | photo | Oxalis gigantea | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | II | article | Plantes en péril | Jean-Marie Pelt | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | VI | article | Quel statut pour nos plantes de collection? | V. Cerutti, J-F Richard | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 31 | article | Redécouverte de Mammillaria morganiana dans l'état de Guanajuato | JM Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | C1 | photo | Solanum chilensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | II | article | The genus Matucana | Bob Bregman | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 24 | photo | Thelocephala glabrescens | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 8 | photo | Théodore Monod | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 21 | article | Trésors succulents du Chili | Urs Eggli | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | IV | article | Un curieux Gymnocalycium baldianum | Vincent Hugonnot | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 7 | article | Une expédition botanique exceptionnelle avec le prof. Th. Monod. | José-Marie Bel | fr | Aspects sur la botanique au Yémen | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 28 | article | Une marocaine endémique: Euphorbia resinifera | JA Audissou | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 29 | photo | Vallée d'Aït Baha | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 13 | photo | Village d'Al-Hajjra | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-2 | 8 | photo | Village de Wadi Hadramawt et Wadi Dohan | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | C1 | photo | Euphorbia horrida | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 3 | article | Les auphorbes du veld sud-africain | Yves Delanges | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 4 | photo | Divisions écologiques (Afrique du Sud) | R. Rawé | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 4 | photo | Précipitations anuelles (Afrique du Sud) | R. Rawé | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia stellaespina | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia schoenlandii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia avasmontana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia gregariae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia namaquensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia virosa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia ledienii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia pseudoglobosa | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia meloformis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 13 | article | Vancouver - Bloomfield - Salt Lake City 1996, sur la trace des Pediocactus et Sclerocactus | J.M. Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 13 | photo | Glen Canyon Recreation Area | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 16 | photo | Capitol Reef National Park (Utah) | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 16 | photo | Pediocactus simpsonii var. robustior | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 16 | photo | Sclerocactus pubispinus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | II | article | La rocaille d'été | Xavier Lockert | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | IV | article | Communiqué de presse: saisie de 541 cactus rares à Orly | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | V | article | Informations de la commission de protection | Jean-Franc Richard | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | VI | article | La pierre et le saguaro | Yves Berger | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | VI | article | Désert solitaire | Edward Abbey | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | VI | article | Les pays des cactus | Edward Abbey | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | VI | article | Flora of the Guianas | B.E. Leuenberger | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 17 | photo | Pediocactus simpsonii var. simpsonii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 17 | photo | Sclerocactus parviflorus var. parviflorus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 17 | photo | Sclerocactus parviflorus var. intermedius | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 17 | photo | Sclerocactus parviflorus var. Shiprock | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 17 | photo | Sclerocactus parviflorus var. terrae-canyonae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 17 | photo | Opuntia cf. nicholii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 20 | photo | Sclerocactus parviflorus var. intermedius | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 20 | photo | Pediocactus winkleri | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 20 | photo | Sclerocactus wrightiae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 20 | photo | Pediocactus despainii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 21 | photo | Bryce Canyon National Park | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 22 | article | Entretien avec Roberto Kiesling | Jean-Franc Richard | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 24 | photo | Jean-Franc Richard, Jean Marie Solichon et Roberto Kiesling au Jardin Exotique de Monaco | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 25 | photo | Trichocereus angelesiae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 25 | photo | Monvillea kroenleinii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 25 | photo | Roberto Kiesling | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 29 | article | Aréoles et productions aréolaires des Cactacées | Sylvie Olanie | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 29 | photo | Ferocactus peninsulae var. viscainensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 29 | photo | Euphorbia samburuensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 29 | photo | Espostoa guentheri | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 29 | photo | Ferocactus pilosus | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 32 | photo | Mammillaria dixanthocentron | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 32 | photo | Euphorbia mitriformis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 32 | photo | Sclerocactus uncinatus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | 32 | photo | Thelocactus conothelos var. conothelos | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-3 | C4 | photo | Euphorbia stellispina | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | C1 | photo | Echinocereus triglochidiatus var. melanacanthus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 3 | article | Le naturaliste bolivien Martin Cardenas et ses grandes cactées | Alain Gioda et Susana Arrazola | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 3 | carte | Bolivie | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 4 | photo | Martin Cardenas | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 4 | photo | Puya raimondii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 8 | photo | Cardenasiododendron brachypterum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 8 | photo | Browningia cainaeana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 8 | photo | Cereus braunii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 8 | photo | Parajubaea torallyi | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 9 | photo | Neocardenasia herzogiana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 12 | article | À propos du genre Echinocereus | Jean Marie Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 12 | photo | Echinocereus pentalophus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 12 | photo | Echinocereus engelmannii var. nichollii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 12 | photo | Echinocereus fendleri var. fendleri | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 13 | photo | Echinocereus brandegeei | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 13 | photo | Echinocereus stoloniferus var. tayopensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 13 | photo | Echinocereus polyacanthus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 13 | photo | Echinocereus triglochidiatus var. neomexicanus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 16 | photo | Echinocereus fasciculatus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 16 | photo | Echinocereus cinerascens | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 17 | photo | Echinocereus triglochidiatus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 17 | photo | Echinocereus engelmannii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | V | article | Copiapoa in their environment | Rudolf Schultz et Attila Kapitany | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | VI | article | Fichier encyclopédique des cactées | Joël Lodé | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | VI | article | Maihuenia - monograph of a genus of Cactaceae | Beat Ernst Leuenberger | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | VI | article | Euphorbia Journal | | fr | vol. 10, livre | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | VI | article | Rebutia | John Pilbeam | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 18 | article | Essai sur le caractère calcicole-calcifuge des Cactacées mexicaines | Rafael F. del Castillo | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 20 | photo | Ferocactus pilosus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 21 | photo | Mitrocereux fulviceps | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 21 | photo | Cephalocereus senilis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 21 | photo | Echinocactus platyacanthus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 21 | photo | Myrtillocactus geometrizans | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 21 | photo | Neobuxbaumia polylopha | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 24 | photo | Echinocactus platyacanthus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 24 | photo | Cephalocereus hoppenstedtii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 25 | photo | Ferocactus glaucescens | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 25 | photo | Echinocactus pectinatus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 25 | photo | Ferocactus histrix | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 25 | photo | Obregonia denegrii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 28 | photo | Opuntia robusta | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 28 | photo | Opuntia leucotricha | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 29 | article | Notes sur la toxicité des Euphorbes succulentes | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 29 | photo | Euphorbia lathyris | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 29 | photo | Euphorbia dendroïdes | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 29 | photo | Euphorbia pulcherrima | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 31 | article | Rhinephyllum, étoile d'un soir | Alain Risse | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | 32 | photo | Rhinephyllum graniforme | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-4 | C4 | photo | Echinocactus ingens | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | C1 | photo | Peperomia trolli | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 1 | photo | Pr W. Rauh | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 3 | article | À propos de quelques espèces intéressantes dans le genre Peperomia | Pr. Werner Rauh | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 4 | photo | Peperomia caperata | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 4 | photo | Peperomia dolabriformis var. dolabriformis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 4 | photo | Peperomia sp. | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 5 | photo | Peperomia incana | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 5 | photo | Peperomia argyreia | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 4 | photo | Tillandsia heteromorpha | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 7 | photo | Peperomia trichocarpa | | | coupe d'une feuille | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 7 | photo | Peperomia peruviana | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 7 | photo | Peperomia peruviana | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 8 | photo | Peperomia congesta | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 8 | photo | Peperomia wolfgang-Krahnii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 8 | photo | Peperomia wolfgang-Krahnii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 9 | photo | Peperomia nivalis | | | coupe transversale de la tige | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 9 | photo | Peperomia nivalis | | | coupe à travers une jeunee feuille | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 9 | photo | Peperomia galioides | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 11 | photo | Peperomia columella | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 11 | photo | Peperomia peruviana | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 11 | photo | Fenestraria | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 12 | photo | Peperomia wolfgang-Krahnii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 12 | photo | Peperomia congesta | | | coupe d'une feuille, collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 12 | photo | Peperomia graveolens | | | coupe d'une feuille, collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 12 | photo | Peperomia dolabriformis | | | coupe d'une feuille, collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 14 | photo | Peperomia dolabriformis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 14 | photo | Peperomia columella | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 15 | photo | Peperomia columella | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 16 | photo | Peperomia wolfgang-Krahnii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 16 | photo | Peperomia wolfgang-Krahnii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 16 | photo | Peperomia graveolens | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 18 | photo | Peperomia graveolens | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 19 | photo | Peperomia nivalis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 19 | photo | Peperomia nivalis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 20 | photo | Peperomia nivalis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 20 | photo | Peperomia dolabriformis var. dolabriformis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 20 | photo | Peperomia dolabriformis var. dolabriformis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 20 | photo | Peperomia dolabriformis var. longifolius | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 22 | photo | Peperomia | | | | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 22 | photo | Peperomia dolabriformis var. brachyphylla | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 22 | photo | Peperomia dolabriformis var. brachyphylla | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 22 | photo | Peperomia | | | position des racines | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 22 | photo | Peperomia dolabella | | | coupe schématique | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 23 | photo | Peperomia trollii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 24 | photo | Peperomia dolabella | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 24 | photo | Peperomia dolabella | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 24 | photo | Peperomia macrorhiza | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 26 | photo | Peperomia macrorhiza | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 26 | photo | Peperomia macrorhiza | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 27 | photo | Peperomia macrorhiza | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 27 | photo | Peperomia graveolens | | | jeune épi, collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 27 | photo | Peperomia graveolens | | | jeune épi, collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 27 | photo | Peperomia graveolens | | | vieil épi, collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 28 | photo | Peperomia frasei | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 28 | photo | Peperomia hutchisonii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 28 | photo | Peperomia hutchisonii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 28 | photo | Peperomia hutchisonii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 30 | photo | Peperomia asperula | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 31 | photo | Peperomia asperula | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | 31 | photo | Peperomia macrorhiza | | | site type, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1997 | 1997-sp | C4 | photo | Peperomia aff. umbilicata | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | C1 | photo | Caralluma joannis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 3 | article | Caralluma joannis en culture | J.A. Audissou, G. Delanoy, M. Manetti | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 4 | photo | Caralluma joannis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 4 | photo | Caralluma joannis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 4 | photo | Caralluma joannis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 5 | photo | Caralluma joannis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 5 | photo | Caralluma joannis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 5 | photo | Caralluma europaea | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 9 | article | Quelques nouvelles récentes du Paradis | Michel Cornet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 12 | photo | Haworthia attenuata v. argyrostigma | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 12 | photo | Haworthia reinwardtii v. reinwardtii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 13 | photo | Haworthia limifolia | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 14 | article | Portrait: entretien avec Alfred Lau | Jean-Franc Richard | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 16 | photo | Ferocactus johnstonianus | | | Alfred Lau, habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 16 | photo | Idria columnaris | | | Alfred Lau, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 16 | photo | Ferocactus peninsularis | | | Alfred Lau, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 20 | photo | Turbinicarpus flaviflorus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 20 | photo | Parodia laui | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 23 | article | Les Thevetia, compagnons des succulentes | Lucile Allorge | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 24 | photo | Thevetia peruviana v. peruviana | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 24 | photo | Thevetia peruviana v. peruviana | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 24 | photo | Thevetia ahouai | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 24 | photo | Thevetia ahouai | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 26 | photo | Thevetia divers | | | noyaux | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 28 | photo | Vendeur de Thevetia | | | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 28 | photo | Thevetia | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 29 | photo | Collier de Thevetia | | | noyau | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 29 | photo | Thevetia | | | noyau | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 29 | photo | Thevetia | | | noyau | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | 29 | photo | Thevetia | | | noyau | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | C4 | photo | Mammillaria rubrograndis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | II | article | Chez nos amis de langue anglaise | Michel Cornet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | III | article | Quel plan d'action pour la sauvegarde des cactées et autres succulentes? | Pierre Fontaine | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | IV | article | Comment s'appelle ce cactus? | Pierre Fontaine | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-1 | IV | article | Le certificat de cession | Jean-Franc Richard | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | C1 | photo | Linaria alpina | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 3 | article | À la recherche de l'Ancistrocactus tobuschii | Pierre Fontaine | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 4 | photo | Ancistrocactus tobuschii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 5 | article | Euphorbia waringiae (une nouvelle espèce malgache) | Pr. Werner Rauh | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia waringiae | | | Habitat, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia waringiae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia waringiae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia waringiae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia waringiae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia waringiae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia waringiae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia suzannae-marnieriae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia waringiae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia waringiae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia suzannae-marnieriae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia suzannae-marnieriae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 10 | article | Quel est ce cactus ? | Edward Anderson | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 12 | photo | X Myrtgerocactus lindsayi | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 12 | photo | X Haagespostoa | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 12 | photo | Mammillaria vagaspina | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 13 | photo | Thelocactus rinconensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 13 | photo | Ferocactus covillei | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 16 | photo | Ferocactus gracilis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | II | article | Aloe | | fr | vol. 34, n°1 et 2, livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | II | article | Ballya | | fr | vol. 4, n°3, livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | III | article | Haworthiad | | fr | vol. 11, n°4, livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | III | article | BCSJ | | fr | vol. 15, n°4, livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 17 | photo | Echinocereus sciurus v. floresii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 17 | photo | Mammillaria sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 19 | article | Quelques succulentes d'altitude de la flore française (2) | Jean-Marie Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 20 | photo | Allium narcissiflorum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 20 | photo | Primula marginata | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 20 | photo | Silene acaulis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 20 | photo | Linaria alpina | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 21 | photo | Epilobium fleischeri | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 21 | photo | Epilobium fleischeri | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 24 | photo | Saxifraga aizoon | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 24 | photo | Saxifraga cochlearis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 24 | photo | Saxifraga florulenta | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 24 | photo | Saxifraga lingulata | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 25 | photo | Saxifraga oppositifolia | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 25 | photo | Saxifraga oppositifolia | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 25 | photo | Vitaliana primulaeflora | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 27 | article | Orostachys | Jean-Marc Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 28 | photo | Site à Orostachys | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 28 | photo | Orostachys | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 28 | photo | Orostachys | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 29 | photo | Collection de cactées | | | Nombreuses greffes, collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 29 | photo | Gymnocalycium cristé | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 29 | photo | Ariocarpus | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 30 | article | Mes Sempervivum en Normandie | Max Delugin | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 32 | photo | Jovisbarba arenaria | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 32 | photo | Sempervivum ruthenicum | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | 32 | photo | Sempervivum "Lively Bug" | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-2 | C4 | photo | Obregonia denegrii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | C1 | photo | Ferocactus cylindraceus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 3 | article | Ceropegia gikyi et Ceropegia adrienneae, deux nouvelles espèces dans le genre Ceropegia | Pr. Dr. Werner Rauh | fr | section Dimorpha (Asclepediaceae), sud-ouest de Madagascar | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia gikyi | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia gikyi | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia gikyi | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia gikyi | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 5 | photo | Ceropegia adrienneae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 5 | photo | Ceropegia adrienneae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 5 | photo | Ceropegia adrienneae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 9 | article | La famille des Aloès dans la systémique moderne | Michel Cornet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 12 | photo | Kniphofia uvaria | | | faux Aloe, habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 12 | photo | Gasteria armstrongii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 12 | photo | Aloe bellatula | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 12 | photo | Astroloba pentagona | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 13 | photo | Haworthia tessellata c. concina | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 15 | article | Une nouvelle espèce de Melocactus pour l'île Hispañola | Milciade Mejia, Ricardo Garcia | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 16 | photo | Melocactus pedernalensis | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 16 | photo | Melocactus pedernalensis | | | coupe transversale | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 16 | photo | Melocactus pedernalensis | | | détail de la fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 16 | photo | Melocactus pedernalensis | | | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 16 | photo | Melocactus pedernalensis | | | aréole | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | I | article | MEC et assemblée générale 1998 | J. Vitou | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | I | photo | Conférencier MEC 1998 | | | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | II | article | Aloe | | fr | vol. 34, N°3-4, livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | II | article | Haworthiad | | fr | vol. 12, n°1, livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | III | article | Bradleya | | fr | n°15, livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | IV | article | Observations concernant la rusticité de certaines cactées | Jean-Marc Garnier | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | V | article | Flora of the Guianas Fascicule 31 - Cactaceae | G. Cremers, B. Leuenberger | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | V | article | Guide de l'amateur de cactus | Pierre-Louis Fröhring | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 17 | photo | Melocactus pedernalensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 17 | photo | Melocactus pedernalensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 17 | photo | Melocactus pedernalensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 19 | article | Turbinicarpus mandragora | Anton Hofer | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 20 | photo | Turbinicarpus mandragora | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 20 | photo | Turbinicarpus mandragora | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 20 | photo | Turbinicarpus mandragora | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 21 | photo | Turbinicarpus mandragora | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 21 | photo | Turbinicarpus mandragora | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 21 | photo | Turbinicarpus mandragora | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 25 | article | À propos du genre Ferocactus | Jean-Marie Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 25 | photo | Ferocactus diguetii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 28 | photo | Ferocactus diguetii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 28 | photo | Ferocactus gracilis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 28 | photo | Ferocactus pilosus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 29 | photo | Ferocactus rectispinus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 29 | photo | Ferocactus cylindraceus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 29 | photo | Ferocactus glauscescens | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 32 | photo | Ferocactus gracilis v. coloratus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 32 | photo | Ferocactus covillei | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 32 | photo | Ferocactus robustus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | 32 | photo | Ferocactus latispinus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-3 | C4 | photo | Ferocactus covillei | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | C1 | photo | Opuntia basilaris | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 3 | article | Une nouvelle espèce, Ceropegia robivelonae | Pr Dr W. Rauh | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia robivelonae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia robivelonae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia robivelonae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia robivelonae | | | feuille | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia robivelonae | | | couronne | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 4 | photo | Ceropegia ambovombensis | | | feuille | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 6 | photo | Ceropegia robivelonae | | | vue au microscope | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 6 | photo | Ceropegia robivelonae | | | vue au microscope | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 7 | photo | Ceropegia robivelonae | | | vue au microscope | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 7 | photo | Ceropegia robivelonae | | | vue au microscope | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 7 | photo | Ceropegia robivelonae | | | vue au microscope | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 7 | photo | Ceropegia robivelonae | | | vue au microscope | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 8 | photo | Ceropegia robivelonae | | | vue au microscope | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 8 | photo | Ceropegia robivelonae | | | vue au microscope | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 10 | article | Plantes succulentes et parcs américains | J.-M. Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 10 | photo | Monument Valley | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 12 | photo | Natural Bridges National Monument | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 12 | photo | Fry Canyon | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 12 | photo | Sclerocactus terrae-canyonae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 13 | photo | Capitol Reef National Park | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 13 | photo | Sclerocactus wrightiae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 13 | photo | Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 13 | photo | Stenocereus thurberi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 14 | photo | Joshua Tree National Park | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 14 | photo | Yucca brevifolia | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 14 | photo | Yucca schidigera | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 14 | photo | Joshua Tree National Park | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 14 | photo | Opuntia bigelowii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 16 | article | Ce qu'on ne devrait jamais voir | Marc Beugin | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 16 | photo | Aloe compressa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 16 | photo | Aloe capitata v. cipolinicola | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | II | article | BCSSJ | | fr | vol. XVI, n. 1, livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | II | article | Haworthiad | | fr | vol. 12, n. 2, livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | III | article | Cactus & Succulent Journal | | fr | vol. 70, n. 1, livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | III | article | Cactus & Succulent Journal | | fr | vol. 70, n. 2, livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | IV | article | Guérison d'un Mammillaria beneckei grâce à un anti-mildiou systémique | François Sampieri | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | V | article | L'évolution de la réglementation européenne | Jeean-Franc Richard | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | VI | article | Cactus | Vincent Cerutti | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 17 | article | Découverte de Coryphanta unicornis dans les états de San Luis Potosi et Guanajuato | Jean-Marc Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 17 | photo | Coryphanta unicornis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 17 | photo | Coryphanta unicornis | | | site, habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 19 | article | Charles Glass (1934-1998) | J.-M. Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 19 | photo | Charles Glass | | | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 20 | photo | Mammillaria glassii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 20 | photo | Turbinicarpus viereckii v. major | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 20 | photo | Thelocactus conothelos v. argenteus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 21 | photo | Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus v. gracilis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 21 | photo | Thelocactus conothelos v. aurantiacus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 21 | photo | Turbinicarpus laui | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 21 | photo | Echinocereus nivosus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 21 | photo | Escobaria laredoi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 21 | photo | Echinocereus knippelianus v. kruegeri | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 21 | photo | Coryphanta laredoi | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 22 | photo | Turbinicarpus dickisoniae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 22 | photo | Turbinicarpus alonsoi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 22 | photo | Aztekium hintonii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 22 | photo | Geohintonia mexicana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 24 | article | Rafflesia, une Stapelia géante ? | Jean-Marc Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 24 | photo | Rafflesia pricei | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 26 | article | Qu'est-ce que Turbinicarpus sp. 'Durazno' | Anton Hofer | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 26 | photo | Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele v. krainzianus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 28 | photo | Rafael Ortega | | | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 28 | photo | Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele v. krainzianus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 28 | photo | Turbinicarpus sp. 'Durazno' | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 28 | photo | Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele v. lausseri | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 30 | article | Warionia saharae | J. A. Audissou | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 30 | photo | Warionia saharae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | 30 | photo | Warionia saharae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | C4 | photo | Echinocereus engelmanni | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-4 | C4 | photo | Opuntia bigelowii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | C4 | photo | Lampranthus coccineus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 3 | article | À propos d'une histoire de famille | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 4 | photo | Argyroderma braunsiae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 4 | photo | Argyroderma roseum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 4 | photo | Argyroderma octophyllum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 4 | photo | Apetnia cordifolia | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 5 | photo | Conophytum sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 6 | article | Les Mésembryanthémacées: diversité écologique et culture | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 9 | photo | Carte de l'Afrique australe | | | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 9 | photo | Aloinopsis rosulata | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 12 | photo | Cephalophyllum sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 12 | photo | Cephalophyllum sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 12 | photo | Conophytum sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 12 | photo | Conophytum sp. | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 12 | photo | Conophytum sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 12 | photo | Conophytum sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 14 | article | Clés d'identification des genres de Mésembryanthémacées | Heidrun Hartmann | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 16 | photo | Lampranthus haworthii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 16 | photo | Glottiphyllum haagei | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 16 | photo | Glottiphyllum starkeae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 16 | photo | Glottiphyllum starkeae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 16 | photo | Glottiphyllum starkeae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 16 | photo | Glottiphyllum starkeae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 29 | photo | Bergeranthus multiceps | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 29 | photo | Delosperma lehmanii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 29 | photo | Delosperma nubigenum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 29 | photo | Dintheranthus sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 29 | photo | Dracophilus deleatianus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 29 | photo | Drosanthemum floribundum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 32 | photo | Frithia pulchra | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 32 | photo | Gibbaeum dispar | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 32 | photo | Faucaria uniondalensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 33 | photo | Lithops helmutii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 33 | photo | Lithops karasmontana | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 33 | photo | Lithops aucampiae v. koelemannii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 36 | photo | Lampranthus sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 36 | photo | Lampranthus coccineus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 37 | photo | Lampranthus haworthii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 37 | photo | Lampranthus abyssinicus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 37 | photo | Lampranthus watermeyeri | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 40 | photo | Malephora purpurea-crocea | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 40 | photo | Nananthus pole-evansii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 40 | photo | Odontophorus marlothii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 40 | photo | Ophthalmophyllum dinteri | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 40 | photo | Ophthalmophyllum praesectum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 40 | photo | Oophytum oviforme | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 41 | photo | Oscularia caulescens | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 41 | photo | Stomatium sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 41 | photo | Trichodiadema sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 44 | photo | Lampranthus haworthii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | 44 | photo | Pleiospilos sp. | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1998 | 1998-sp | C1 | photo | Braunsia apiculata | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | C1 | photo | Aloe plicatilis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 3 | article | Euphorbia bemarahensis, une nouvelle espèce du groupe Euphorbia bosseri et Auphorbia platyclada | Pr Dr Werner Rauh | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 13 | article | Essai de culture de plantes succulentes en altitude | Jean-Marie Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 15 | article | Le fynbos en Afrique australe et le jardin botanique de Kirstenbosch | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 24 | article | Les problèmes phytosanitaires dans les collections de plantes succulentes. Application de la lutte intégrée. | Christophe Blanchy et Jean-Marie Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia bosseri | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia bosseri | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 6 | photo | Euphorbia bosseri | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 6 | photo | Euphorbia bosseri | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia bemarahaensis | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia bemarahaensis | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia bemarahaensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia bemarahaensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia bemarahaensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia platyclada | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia platyclada | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia bosseri | | | ovaire | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia bemarahaensis | | | ovaire | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia platyclada | | | ovaire | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia bosseri | | | pollen, collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia bemarahaensis | | | pollen, collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia platyclada | | | pollen, collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 14 | photo | Arboretum Marcel Kroenlein | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 14 | photo | Arboretum Marcel Kroenlein | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 14 | photo | Arboretum Marcel Kroenlein | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 15 | photo | Carte d'Afrique du Sud | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 19 | photo | Fynbos côtier dans la Province du Cap | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 19 | photo | Fynbos à Phylica, à Protea et à Widdringtonia nodiflora | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 20 | photo | Protea aristata | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 20 | photo | Protea grandiceps | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 20 | photo | Leucadendron argenteum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 22 | photo | Erica foliacea | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 22 | photo | Berzelia lanuginosa | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 22 | photo | Restio sp. | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 22 | photo | Richardia africana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 26 | photo | Diaspis echinocacti | | | diaspine, collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 26 | photo | Planococcus citri | | | cochenille farineuse, collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 26 | photo | Echinopsis sp. | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 26 | photo | Ferocactus flavivorens | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 27 | photo | Pseudococcus longispinus | | | cochenille farineuse, collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 27 | photo | Hypogeococcus pungens | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 27 | photo | Icerya purchasi | | | cochenille australienne, collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 27 | photo | Bursera microphylla | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 29 | photo | Aphis nerii | | | pucerons, collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 29 | photo | Adenium | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 29 | photo | Aleophagus myersii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 29 | photo | Aloe | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 29 | photo | Aloe | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 29 | photo | Thrips | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 29 | photo | Euphorbe | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 30 | photo | Pachypodium lamerei | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 30 | photo | Matucana sp. | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 30 | photo | Cyphostemma laza | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 30 | photo | Adenium obesum | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 31 | photo | Tetranychus urticae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 31 | photo | Adenium obesum | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 31 | photo | Aleurodes | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 31 | photo | Uncarina sp. | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 31 | photo | galles | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | 31 | photo | nécrose | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | C4 | photo | Protea longiflora | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-1 | C1 | photo | Epiphyllum x Ambrosia | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 3 | article | Les problèmes phytosanitaires dans les collections de plantes succulentes. Application de la lutte intégrée. | Christophe Blanchy et Jean-Marie Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 4 | photo | Désinfection des conteneurs | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 4 | photo | Désinfection de l'outillage à l'aclool | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 4 | photo | Elimination manuelle des parasites, avant | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 4 | photo | Elimination manuelle des parasites, pendant | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 4 | photo | Elimination manuelle des parasites, après | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 6 | photo | Lavages exemples d'application | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 6 | photo | Lavages, avant | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 6 | photo | Lavages, après | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 8 | photo | Taille des parites aériennes et repousse de rameaux sains | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 8 | photo | Taille des racines pour élimination des parasites | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 8 | photo | Taille des racines pour élimination des parasites | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia neriiflolia | | | jaunissante nécessitant un rempotage | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 10 | photo | Inspection des racines au cours d'un rempotage | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 10 | photo | Traitements chimiques | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 12 | article | Epiphyllum hybrides : cultivons les langues de belle-mère | Andrea Cattabriga | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 12 | photo | Epiphyllum x Prof Ebert | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 14 | photo | Epiphyllum x Royal Rose | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 14 | photo | Epiphyllum x Callander's Pfau | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 16 | photo | Epiphyllum x Dusty Miller | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 16 | photo | Epiphyllum x Heela | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 18 | photo | Epiphyllum x Abendsonne | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 18 | photo | Epiphyllum x Cuthert | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | IV | article | Copiapoa | Graham Charles | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | V | article | Jardines de cactus y succulentas de Espana | Antonio Gomez Sanchez | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 22 | article | Ces plantes au calice nu, les Gymnocalycium ! | Pierre Fontaine | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 23 | photo | Gymnocalycium schickendantzii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 23 | photo | Gymnocalycium spegazzini | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 25 | photo | Aire de répartition des Gymnocalycium en Amérique du sud | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 26 | photo | Gymnocalycium damsii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 26 | photo | Gymnocalycium horridispinum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 26 | photo | Gymnocalycium nigriareolatum v. densispinum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 26 | photo | Gymnocalycium fleischerianum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 28 | photo | Gymnocalycium tillianum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 28 | photo | Gymnocalycium michoga | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 28 | photo | Gymnocalycium oenanthemum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 29 | photo | Gymnocalycium schickendantzii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 29 | photo | Gymnocalycium gibbosum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 29 | photo | Gymnocalycium saglionis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 31 | article | Réflexion sur le genre Astrophytum. A. Coahuilense = A. myriostigma ? Ou pas ? | Marc Beugin | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 32 | photo | Astrophytum myriostigma | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 32 | photo | Astrophytum myriostigma v. nudum | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 32 | photo | Astrophytum myriostigma v. quadricostata | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 32 | photo | Astrophytum x capricorne coahuilense | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 32 | photo | Astrophytum myriostigma | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | 32 | photo | Astrophytum coahuilense | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-2 | C4 | photo | Epiphyllum x Madeline | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | C1 | photo | Aloe krapohliana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 3 | article | Deux nouvelles Euphorbes du massif de l'Ankarana, au nord-ouest de Madagascar | Pr Werner Rauh et Martine Bardot-Vaucoulon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 4 | photo | Massif de l'Ankarana | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia ambarivatoensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia ambarivatoensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia ambarivatoensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia ambarivatoensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 7 | photo | Euphorbia ambarivatoensis | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia martinae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia martinae | | | fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia martinae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia martinae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia martinae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 10 | photo | Euphorbia martinae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia martinae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia martinae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia martinae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 11 | photo | Euphorbia martinae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 13 | article | Epiphyllum hybrides | Andrea Cattabriga | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 14 | photo | Epiphyllum x Lemon Punch | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 14 | photo | Epiphyllum x La Coupagie | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 15 | photo | Epiphyllum x Masada | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 15 | photo | Epiphyllum x Front Runner | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 20 | article | afrique du sud (1998) | Jean-Marc Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 21 | photo | Euphorbia tuberculata | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 21 | photo | Aloe comosa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 21 | photo | Tylecodon wallichii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 21 | photo | Tylecodon paniculatus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 24 | photo | Caralluma mammillaris | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 24 | photo | Anacampseros comptonii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 24 | photo | Argyroderma sp | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 24 | photo | Sarcocaulon l'heritieri | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 26 | photo | Conophytum sp | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 26 | photo | Othonna cacalioides | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 26 | photo | Grielum humifusum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 26 | photo | Conophytum sp | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 28 | article | Ces plantes au calice nu, les Gymnocalycium ! (suite) | Pierre Fontaine | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 29 | photo | Gymnocalycium valnicekianum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 29 | photo | Gymnocalycium vatteri | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 29 | photo | Gymnocalycium quehlianum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 29 | photo | Gymnocalycium marquezii | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 31 | photo | Gymnocalycium baldianum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 31 | photo | Gymnocalycium multiflorum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 31 | photo | Gymnocalycium calochlorum | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | 31 | photo | Gymnocalycium x Juliensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-3 | C4 | photo | Aloe dichotoma | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | C1 | photo | Trichocereus huasha | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 3 | article | Nouvelles euphorbes du massif de l'Ankarana, au nord-ouest de Madagascar | Pr. Werner Rauh et Martine Bardot-Vaucoulon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia labatti | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia labatti | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 6 | photo | Euphorbia labatti | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 6 | photo | Euphorbia labatti | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia ankaranae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 8 | photo | Euphorbia ankaranae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia ankaranae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia ankaranae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 9 | photo | Massif de l'Ankarana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 11 | article | Epiphyllum hybrides, 3ème partie : les problèmes de culture | Andrea Cattabriga | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 12 | photo | Epiphyllum x Space Rocket | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 14 | photo | Epiphyllum x cv. Flirtation | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 14 | photo | Epiphyllum x cv. Jennifer Ann | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 16 | photo | Epiphyllum x cv. Reward x cv. Midnight | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 16 | photo | Epiphyllum x cv. Lebensfreude | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | I | article | C'est mon chien qui avait raison | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 19 | article | Trichocereus : un genre condamné à disparaître ? | Jean-Marie Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 20 | photo | Trichocereus pasacana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 22 | photo | Trichocereus angelesii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 22 | photo | Trichocereus spachianus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 22 | photo | Trichocereus candidans | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 23 | photo | Trichocereus vatteri | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 23 | photo | Trichocereus poco | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 23 | photo | Trichocereus smirzianus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 25 | article | La lutte phytosanitaire intégrée, IIIème partie : la lutte biologique | Jean-Marie Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 26 | photo | Pucerons Aphis nerii parasités par l'auxiliaire Aphidius ervi | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 26 | photo | Larves de la coccinelle Lindorus lophantae en activité sur cochenilles diaspines (Diaspis echinocacti) | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 26 | photo | Larves de la coccinelle Lindorus lophantae en activité sur cochenilles diaspines (Diaspis echinocacti) | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 26 | photo | Adulte de la coccinelle prédatrice Lindorus lophantae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | 28 | photo | coccinelle prédatrice Cryptolaemus montrouzieri sur cochenille farineuse (Hypogeococcus sp.) | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-4 | C4 | photo | Echinopsis shaferi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | C1 | photo | Paysage de Santa Cruz | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | C1 | photo | Neoraimondia herzogiana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | C1 | photo | Harrisia tephracantha | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | C4 | photo | Maihueniopsis glomerata | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 3 | article | Les cactées de Bolivie | Pr Roberto Kiesling | fr | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 6 | photo | Carte de Bolivie | | | | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 9 | photo | Vallées inter-andine sèches | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 9 | photo | Browningia caineana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 9 | photo | Ville de Valle Grande | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 10 | photo | Concepcion | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 10 | photo | Fuerte de Samaipata | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 11 | photo | Oreocereus celsianus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 11 | photo | Eglise jésuite de Concepcion | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 13 | photo | Valle Grande | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 13 | photo | Maison typique bolivienne | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 14 | photo | Browningia caineana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 14 | photo | Route de La Paz à Coroico | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 15 | photo | Lac Titicaca | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 15 | photo | Cuchu Ungenio | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 16 | photo | Harrisia tephracantha | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 16 | photo | Harrisia pomanensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 33 | photo | Gymnocalycium pflanzii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 33 | photo | Cleistocactus baumannii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 33 | photo | Echinopsis sp | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 33 | photo | Parodia maassii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 34 | photo | Corryocactus pulkinensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 34 | photo | Corryocactus melanotrichus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 34 | photo | Stetsonia coryne | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 34 | photo | Stetsonia coryne | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 35 | photo | Oreocereus trollii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 35 | photo | Blossfeldia liliputana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 35 | photo | Neowerdermannia vorverkii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 37 | photo | Ferme à San José de Chiquitos | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 37 | photo | Weingartia cintiensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 37 | photo | Weingartia kargliana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 38 | photo | Stetsonia coryne | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 38 | photo | Iscayachi (Tarija) | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 40 | photo | Opuntia sulplurea | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 40 | photo | Lobivia maximiliana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 42 | photo | Puna subterranea | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 42 | photo | Austrocylindropuntia vershafelttii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 42 | photo | Austrocylindropuntia vestita | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 42 | photo | Austrocylindropuntia shaferi | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 44 | photo | Trichocereus tarijensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 44 | photo | Espostoa guentheri | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 44 | photo | Trichocereus sp | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 46 | photo | Weingartia pilcomayensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 46 | photo | Browningia caineana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 46 | photo | Espostoa guentheri | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 46 | photo | Sulcorebutia rauschii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 46 | photo | Sulcorebutia menesii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 1999 | 1999-sp | 46 | photo | Parodia ayopayana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | C1 | photo | Pachypodium namaquanum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 3 | article | Euphorbia analavelonensis, une remarquable Euphorbia nouvelle de Madagascar | Pr. W. Rauh | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia analavelonensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia analavelonensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia analavelonensis | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia analavelonensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia analavelonensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia analavelonensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia analavelonensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 7 | article | Rêves de gosse | Ph. B. de Miré | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 8 | photo | Sedum rubens | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 8 | photo | Sedum hirsutum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 8 | photo | Sedum cepea | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 8 | photo | Sedum villosum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 9 | photo | Sedum rupestris | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 9 | photo | Sedum telephium | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 9 | photo | Sedum reflexum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 10 | article | Observations écologiques sur Melocactus intortus dans les îles des Antilles Françaises | A. Vilardebo | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 10 | photo | Melocactus intortus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 12 | photo | Melocactus intortus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 12 | photo | Melocactus intortus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 15 | photo | Melocactus intortus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 15 | photo | Melocactus intortus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | II | article | British Cactus and Succulent Journal | | fr | vol. 71, n°2, livre | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | II | article | Aloe | | fr | vol. 36, n°1, livre | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | II | article | Haworthiad | | fr | vol. 13, n°3, livre | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | III | article | Cactus and Succulent Journal U.S. | | fr | vol. 71, n°4, livre | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | III | article | Cactus and Succulent Journal U.S. | | fr | vol. 71, n°5, livre | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | III | article | Colloque AFCEV | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | VII | article | Le grand livre des cactées | Miles Anderson | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | VII | article | Echinocereus | Blum Lange Rischer et Rutow | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | VIII | article | Mammillaria | John Pilbeam | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | VIII | article | CITES Cactaceae checklist | David Hunt | fr | livre | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 18 | photo | Melocactus intortus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 18 | photo | Melocactus intortus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 19 | article | Les richesses succulentes de l'Afrique australe en 7 biomes | E. J. Van Jaarsveld | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 20 | photo | Euphorbia caput-medusae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 20 | photo | Argyroderma | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 22 | photo | Aloe hereoensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 22 | photo | Cussonia paniculata | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 23 | photo | Euphorbia cooperi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 23 | photo | Forêt subtropicale | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 24 | photo | Cissus crameriana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 26 | photo | Trichocolon halenbergense | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 28 | photo | Aloe dichotoma | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 30 | photo | Pachupodium lealei | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 30 | photo | Cyphostemma uter | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | 31 | photo | biome des fourrés | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-1 | C4 | photo | Trichocolon alstonii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | C1 | photo | Echinocereus polyacanthus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 3 | article | Mexico 1999 | Jean-Marc Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 3 | photo | Mammillaria longiflora | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 5 | photo | Mammillaria petterssonii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 5 | photo | Mammillaria moelleriana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 5 | photo | Echinocereus acifer ssp. Acifer | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 5 | photo | Mammillaria senilis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 6 | photo | Eglise de Mezquital | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 6 | photo | Mammillaria guelzowiana | | | site, habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 6 | photo | Mammillaria guelzowiana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 8 | photo | Echinocereus sheeri | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 10 | photo | Cimetière de Terrero | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 10 | photo | Mammillaria saboae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 10 | photo | Echinocereus scheeri ssp. Scheeri | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 10 | photo | Mammillaria haudeana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 12 | article | Numéros de prospection Antesberger Helmut & Barbara | Gérard Delanoy | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 12 | photo | Melocactus barbarensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 15 | article | Helmut Antesberger : une vie de cactophile | Barbara Antesberger | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 16 | article | Barbara et Helmut Antesberger | | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 16 | photo | Mammillaria antesbergeriana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 16 | photo | Melocactus inclinatus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 17 | photo | Melocactus citrispinus | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 17 | photo | Melocactus citrispinus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 19 | photo | Melocactus barbarensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 19 | photo | Melocactus bozsingianus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 19 | photo | Melocactus laui | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 19 | photo | Melocactus inclinatus | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 23 | article | Les Pachypodium de Madagascar | Raphaël Miazza | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 23 | photo | Pachypodium densiflorum v. densiflorum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 25 | photo | Cartes de répartition des Pachypodium à Madagascar | | | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 27 | photo | Pachypodium densiflorum v. densiflorum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 27 | photo | Pachypodium densiflorum v. densiflorum | | | macro, habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 27 | photo | Pachypodium brevicaule | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 28 | photo | Pachypodium geayi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 28 | photo | Pachypodium geayi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 28 | photo | Pachypodium rosulatum v. gracilius | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 28 | photo | Pachypodium rosulatum v. gracilius | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 30 | article | Le genre Pachypodium en Afrique Australe | Yves Delange | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 30 | photo | Pachypodium saundersii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 31 | photo | Pachypodium saundersii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | 31 | photo | Pachypodium lealii | | | = P. bispinosum, habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-2 | C4 | photo | Escobaria larodoi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | C1 | photo | Neoraimondia arequipensis var. gigantea | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 3 | article | Werner Rauh 1913-2000 | Jean-Marie Solichon | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 3 | photo | Werner Rauh | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 3 | photo | Werner Rauh | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 5 | article | Euphorbes nouvelles de Madagascar | Dr Werner Rauh | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia ankazobensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 7 | photo | Euphorbia ankazobensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 7 | photo | Euphorbia ankazobensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 7 | photo | Euphorbia ankazobensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 7 | photo | Euphorbia ankazobensis | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 9 | photo | Euphorbia fianarantsoae | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 10 | article | Les cactées de Cajamarca | Dr Carlos Ostolaza | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 10 | photo | Espostoa lanata | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 12 | photo | Cleistocactus cajamarcensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 13 | photo | Espostoa mirabilis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 14 | photo | Browningia pilleifera | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 15 | photo | Haageocereus pseudoversicolor | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 15 | photo | Lasiocereus rupicola | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 15 | photo | Hylocereus venezuelensis | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | I | article | Monaco expo 2000 | J. Vitou | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 17 | photo | Matucana aurantiaca | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 17 | photo | Matucana formosa | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 17 | photo | Melocactus bellavistensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 17 | photo | Thrixanthocereus blossfeldiorum | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 21 | article | Turbinicarpus beguinii ssp. hintoniorum | Anton Hofer | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 21 | photo | Turbinicarpus beguinii ssp. hintoniorum | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 22 | photo | Turbinicarpus beguinii ssp. hintoniorum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 22 | photo | Turbinicarpus beguinii ssp. hintoniorum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 22 | photo | Turbinicarpus beguinii ssp. hintoniorum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 22 | photo | Turbinicarpus beguinii ssp. hintoniorum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 24 | article | Mexico 1999 (suite) | Jean-Marc Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 26 | photo | Rathbunia neosonorensis | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 26 | photo | Echinocereus rigidissimus ssp rigidissimus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 26 | photo | Echinocereus polyacanthus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 26 | photo | Mammillaria lasiacantha | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 27 | photo | Mammillaria chionocephala | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 27 | photo | Escobaria laredoi | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 27 | photo | Ferocactus piliferus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 27 | photo | Epithelantha micromeris | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 28 | photo | Coryphanta hintoniorum | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 28 | photo | Echinocereus stramineus ssp stramineus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 28 | photo | Turbinicarpus beguinii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 28 | photo | Turbinicarpus booleanus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 30 | photo | Mammillaria bocasana | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 30 | photo | Mammillaria bombycina | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 30 | photo | Ferocactus piliferus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | 30 | photo | Escobaria laredoi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-3 | C4 | photo | Espostoa lainanuligera | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | C1 | photo | Obregonia denegrii | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 3 | article | Euphorbes nouvelles de Madagascar (suite) | Dr Werner Rauh | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 3 | photo | Euphorbia retrospina | | | collection, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia retrospina | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 4 | photo | Euphorbia retrospina | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 5 | photo | Euphorbia retrospina | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 7 | article | Mexico 1999 (II) | Jean-Marc Chalet | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 7 | photo | Ariocarpus retusus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 8 | photo | Mammillaria perezdelarosae | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 8 | photo | Mammillaria perezdelarosae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 8 | photo | Ariocarpus bravoanus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 8 | photo | Ariocarpus bravoanus | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 10 | photo | Ariocarpus retusus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 10 | photo | Ariocarpus retusus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 13 | photo | Ariocarpus agavoides | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 13 | photo | Ariocarpus trigonus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 15 | photo | Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 15 | photo | Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 16 | photo | Turbinicarpus schnmiedickeanus ssp dickisoniae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 17 | photo | Ariocarpus scaphirostris | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 17 | photo | Ariocarpus scaphirostris | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 18 | article | Baja California (1ère partie) | Norbert Rebmann | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 18 | photo | Ferocactus peninsulae v. peninsulae | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 18 | photo | Agave cerulata sbsp cerulata | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 20 | photo | Pachycereus pringlei | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 20 | photo | Echinocereus engelmannii | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 20 | photo | Mammillaria blossfeldiana | | | habitat, fleur | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 22 | photo | Bergerocactus emoryi | | | habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 22 | photo | Mammillaria setispina | | | Cochemiea, habitat | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 24 | article | Les orchidées succulentes d'Afrique du Sud : un synopsis mis à jour | Hubert Kurzweil et Gideon Smith | fr | | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 24 | photo | Bulbophyllum sp | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 28 | photo | Bolusiella maudiae | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 28 | photo | Eulophia petersii | | | collection | |
Succulentes | 2000 | 2000-4 | 28 | photo | Tridactyle bicaudata | | | collection | |