Revue | Année | N° | Page | Type | Titre / légende | Auteur | Langue | Compléments | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | C4 | photo | Gasteria brachyphylla var. brachyphylla in habitat, Willowmore, South Africa | Al Laius | | plante, habitat, Afrique du Sud | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 72 | photo | Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus ssp. schmiedickeanus flowering | Al Laius | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 72 | photo | Sanseveria pinguicula growing in a field in Tenerife | Al Laius | | plante, Tenerife | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 73 | photo | Gymnocalycium horridispinum | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 73 | article | Gymnocalycium - an alphabetical review: part 5, H-M | John Pilbeam | en | taxonomie, description, horridispinum, horstii, buenekeri, hossei, hyptiacanthum, kieslingii, kroeinleinii, marsoneri, mesopotamicum, mihanovichii, monvillei, mostii | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 74 | photo | Gymnocalycium horstii | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 74 | photo | Gymnocalycium (horstii ssp.) buenekeri | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 74 | photo | Gymnocalycium hossei (weissianum var. roseum) | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 75 | photo | Gymnocalycium hyptiacanthum | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 75 | photo | Gymnocalycium hyptiacanthum ssp. netrelianum | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 75 | photo | Gymnocalycium hyptiacanthum ssp. uruguayense | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 76 | photo | Gymnocalycium kieslingii (fa. castaneum) | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 76 | photo | Gymnocalycium kroenleinii | Graham Charles | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 76 | photo | Gymnocalycium pflanzii (marquezii) | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 77 | photo | Gymnocalycium mesopotamicum | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 77 | photo | Gymnocalycium megatae (syn G. marsoneri acc. to NLC, G. marsoneri ssp. megatae acc. to GC) | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 77 | photo | Gymnocalycium mihanovichii | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 78 | photo | Gymnocalycium monvillei, more commonly labelled G. multiflorum | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 78 | photo | Gymnocalycium mostii var. kurtzianum, sometimes confused with G. castellanosii | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 78 | photo | Gymnocalycium mostii | Bill Weightman | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 79 | article | Hope in the hands of children, near the type locality of Melocactus conoideus | Caio Coêlho | en | civilisation, environnement, Brésil | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 80 | photo | Melocactus conoideus | Marylan de Oliveira Coêlho | | plante, habitat, Brésil | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 80 | photo | students with Melocactus conoideus in the Serra do Periperi in Vitória da Conquista | Marylan de Oliveira Coêlho | | plante, habitat, Brésil | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 82 | article | Escobaria robbinsorum a botanical gem from the US-Mexico border | Zlatko Janeba | en | description, habitat, USA, Mexique, culture | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 82 | photo | the typical woolly appearance of Escobaria robbinsorum | Zlatko Janeba | | plante, habitat, USA, Mexique | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 83 | photo | Cultivated Escobaria robbinsorum | Zlatko Janeba | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 83 | photo | Escobaria robbinsorum growing in cracks east of Douglas | Zlatko Janeba | | plante, habitat, USA, Douglas | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 84 | photo | a view of the habitat of Escobaria robbinsorum, east of Douglas, Arizona, with Agave palmeri, Dasylirion wheeleri, Fouquieria splendens and Opuntia phaecantha | Zlatko Janeba | | plante, habitat, USA, Douglas, Arizona | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 84 | photo | Cultivated Escobaria robbinsorum | Zlatko Janeba | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 85 | article | In my greenhouse | Paul Bond | en | plante, culture, serre | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 88 | photo | Disocactus macranthus | Paul Bond | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 89 | photo | Epiphyllum oxypetalum | Paul Bond | | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 89 | photo | Trichocaulon pictum (Larryleachia picta) | Paul Bond | | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 90 | photo | Pereskia aculeata | Paul Bond | | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 90 | photo | Copiapoa goldii | Paul Bond | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 91 | article | An unexpected discovery of a Weingartia neumanniana population in northern Argentina | Ian Woolnough | en | description, habitat, voayge, Argentine, yavia cryptocarpa | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 91 | photo | Close-up of Yavia cryptocarpa | Ian Woolnough | | plante, habitat, Argentine | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 91 | photo | the group looking for yavias | Ian Woolnough | | habitat, Argentine | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 92 | photo | Neowerdemannia vorwerkii in flower under a bush | Ian Woolnough | | plante, habitat, Argentine, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 92 | photo | Close-up of plant and flower of Weingartia neumanniana | Ian Woolnough | | plante, habitat, Argentine, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 92 | photo | Weingartia neumanniana | Ian Woolnough | | plante, habitat, Argentine | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 92 | photo | Weingartia neumanniana | Ian Woolnough | | plante, habitat, Argentine, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 93 | photo | weingartia neumanniana, a plant with 2 buds | Ian Woolnough | | plante, habitat, Argentine | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 93 | photo | weingartia neumanniana, camouflage | Ian Woolnough | | plante, habitat, Argentine | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 93 | photo | weingartia neumanniana, multiheaded | Ian Woolnough | | plante, habitat, Argentine | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 93 | photo | weingartia neumanniana, view of the hills towards the north and to Bolivia | Ian Woolnough | | habitat, Argentine | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 94 | article | Mammillaria solisioides | Bill Madams | en | description, culture, habitat | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 94 | photo | Mammillaria solisioides | Maurizio Lenzi | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 95 | article | Gasteria disticha var. robusta | Tony Roberts | en | description, culture, habitat | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 95 | photo | Gasteria disticha var. robusta, 20 km south of Beaufort West | Tony Roberts | | plante, habitat, Afrique du Sud, Beaufort | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 96 | photo | Aloe dichotoma in flower | David Quail | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 97 | photo | Lophophora alberto-vojtechii in bud | Ade Fegan | | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 97 | photo | Lophophora alberto-vojtechii in flower | Ade Fegan | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 97 | article | Flowering of Lophophora alberto-vojtechii | Al Laius | en | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 99 | photo | Lithops werneri | Keith Green | | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 99 | article | The return of Lithops werneri | Keith Green | en | habitat, Namibie, programme réintroduction | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 100 | photo | Erongo rocks and surrounding landscape | Keith Green | | habitat, Namibie, Erongo | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 101 | photo | A mature Lithops werneri | Keith Green | | plante, habitat, Namibie, Erongo | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 101 | photo | transplanting Lithops werneri | Christopher Green | | habitat, Namibie, Erongo | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 101 | photo | Lithops werneri | Keith Green | | plante, habitat, Namibie, Erongo | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 101 | photo | Tok Schoeman and the author at work | Christopher Green | | habitat, Namibie, Erongo | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 101 | photo | Lithops werneri transplanted | Keith Green | | plante, habitat, Namibie, Erongo | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 102 | photo | 8 Lithops werneri transplanted in view | Christopher Green | | plante, habitat, Namibie, Erongo | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 102 | photo | An undercovered Lithops werneri transplanted | Keith Green | | plante, habitat, Namibie, Erongo | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 102 | photo | Lithops werneri typically situated | Keith Green | | plante, habitat, Namibie, Erongo | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 103 | article | Cultivation with Akadama and related materials | Al Laius | en | matériaux culture | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 105 | photo | Haworthia emelyae (Japanese form) | David Offord | | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 105 | photo | Haworthia emelyae (Japanese form) | David Offord | | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 105 | photo | Haworthia emelyae (Japanese form) | David Offord | | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 105 | photo | Haworthia emelyae (Japanese form) | David Offord | | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 106 | photo | Haworthia emelyae (Japanese form) | Al Laius | | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 106 | photo | Haworthia emelyae (Japanese form) | Al Laius | | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 106 | photo | Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana hybrid | Al Laius | | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 106 | photo | Haworthia emelyae var. comptoniana | Al Laius | | plante | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 106 | photo | Sulcorebutia rauschii with scarring from infestation of red spider mite | Al Laius | | | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 106 | article | Red Spider Mite | Al Laius | en | culture, araignée rouge | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 108 | article | Hints on the cultivation of Gibbaeum | Eddy Harris | en | culture | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 109 | photo | Gibbaeum album | Eddy Harris | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 109 | photo | Antegibbaeum fissoides | Eddy Harris | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 109 | photo | Imitaria muirii | Eddy Harris | | plante, fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 110 | article | The ecology and natural history of Leptocereus scopulophilus | Luis Roberto Gonzáles-Torres, Duniel Barrios and Alejandro Palmarola | en | decription, histoire, habitat, Cuba | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 110 | photo | Mature plant of Leptocereus scopulophilus at Pan de Manzana hills, Cuba | Luis Roberto Gonzáles-Torres, Duniel Barrios and Alejandro Palmarola | | plante, habitat, Cuba, | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 111 | photo | Changes in the canopy at Pan de Manzana hills, Cuba | Luis Roberto Gonzáles-Torres, Duniel Barrios and Alejandro Palmarola | | habitat, Cuba, | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 113 | photo | basic floral morphs of Leptocereus scopulophilus | Luis Roberto Gonzáles-Torres, Duniel Barrios and Alejandro Palmarola | | fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 113 | photo | intermediate floral morphs of Leptocereus scopulophilus | Luis Roberto Gonzáles-Torres, Duniel Barrios and Alejandro Palmarola | | fleur | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 114 | photo | ripe fruit of Leptocereus scopulophilus | Luis Roberto Gonzáles-Torres, Duniel Barrios and Alejandro Palmarola | | fruit | |
Cactus World | 2012 | 30(2) | 115 | article | Greenhouse heating at higher temperature and lower cost | George Thomson | en | serre, matériel, chauffage | |